
The rental house has a tub. I would prefer a walk-in shower but can't get one. She has me and my sister to help her when she needs it. I think that she needs a aide to help out with her care. My sister and I are both worn out. Mom is refusing to let me get some help.

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My preference once I learned about no rinse products was to use them.    You can eliminate the shower, tub transfers and more, and Mom can sit in a warm chair and clean up, one body part at a time so she doesn't have to completely disrobe.

I LOVE those no-rinse products and sometimes use them myself.
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It’s hard because they are afraid of falling. My mom did fall in the shower and had a gash in her head from the faucet. She had mobility problems due to Parkinson’s disease. Every time she fall it broke my heart and terrified her and me.

As careful as we are, non slip mats and safety bars, the risks are still there for falling.

Allow her to wash up with a pail of water and soap or the no rinse soap if you need to. My mom took a shower once a week but sometimes when she was too tired she did the sponge bath.
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I did the same with my mom when she could no longer safely shower. One thing I did that made it easier was to take the bowl of the bedside commode. I could have ready access to down under and used a peri-bottle to spray her off. These sponge baths worked well.
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Mom CAN refuse aide help.. but she cannot insist you (& your sister) do everything.

Get aides in to help. Explain they are there to help YOU & your sister.

That is exactly what my Doctor told me in a similar situation.
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My mom uses shower and shampoo wipes; I get them on Amazon.
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