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I just saw a lady drop a lightbulb and it shatter in the Walmart checkout line. The cashier immediately told her not to help clean it up and called for help. It’s a matter of liability. Same thing, your mother’s place is guarding against liability for injury in the lawsuit culture we all live in
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If those are the rules of the facility, then those are the rules you must abide by. They don't want to bear the liability of you toileting your mother and she falls and breaks a hip. Then you can blame them and voila, a lawsuit ensues. You are not an employee there, therefore, not allowed to perform the duties of an employee who is trained or licensed or insured, etc, to do that particular job.

Besides, has she not been placed in long term care precisely TO be helped with toileting by the staff she's paying to that for her??
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Good grief, sweetie! You should be doing a happy tap dance, instead of complaining! Who in their right mind WANTS to —ugh I can’t even type the words. That facility is charging plenty, no doubt, so for the love of Pete, let ‘em do the disgusting stuff they are being paid handsomely to do.
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I can't be the only one here who notices that COVER999 often comments on anything to do with toileting with inappropriate responses?
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Bridget66 Jan 2023
See 3 more replies
I was so glad I did not need to toilet my Mom anymore once she was in an AL. I always called a CNA. Mom was mostly in the Common area. They would take her to her room, which was a walk. There was a bathroom off the Common area. So I got her a walker bag and put Depends and wipes in it so the aides didn't have to walk her all the way back to her room.
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What sort of facility is this? This may be a case of PT and OT working with a patient to encourage them to transfer correctly, and to work toward self care. OR there may be concerns with allowing others than their own personnel to do transfers for a wobbly patient, and liability concerns. Do feel free to gently discuss with the DON, and ask if she might further explain their reasons and their goals so that YOU can in turn explain to your loved one in a way that your Mom can understand. And yes, the DON would be in charge of the patient's care now for a number of reasons including the above.
Wishing you the best and wishing progress for your Mom.
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Joan29 and lealonnie1.

How should dealing with toileting be handled? The person has a scowl or look of disgust on their face when dealing with this, or maybe say loudly "Oh crap, no pun, Mr or Ms. Blank needs the bathroom again?

How to deflect the embarrassment Mr or Ms Blank probably feels when they can't do or need help doing something that is considered intimate and private? Do you think the people who need help enjoy waiting until someone can attend to them?

As for the Lol, sometimes a little laughter is needed, especially since many of the threads are sad and depressing.

If you both had read another post I posted in another thread, I didn't think it was funny the 92 yr old lady who went outside her AL, fell could not get back in and was found dead the next morning.
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