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Hi Dillon. That’s very thoughtful. How about contacting your local Sr. Center? They might be able to direct the donation to those they know are in most need.
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I see them in thrift stores all the time. They even tape up partial packs and sell for less.

Maybe senior centers can get them to a needy family for a gift.
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Our hospice accepts incontinence pads, pull ups, and briefs. They pass them along to clients who are waiting for their order and can't afford their own. <3
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NHs will take them. Homecare too.
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Isthisrealyreal Oct 2019
They take them as a donation and charge everyone that benefits, far better to donate where someone can get help from them instead of enlarging a NHs profit margin.
Maybe Salvation Army, the church. Or even to a church of your choice.
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where are you located?
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Most second hand stores will take them, but if you know someone who works in healthcare, they know lots of folks who cannot afford them and would love to receive them. Or you can even drop them off at a nursing home.
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