
Extremely tired too. Very thirsty. She seemed to have trouble chewing too. Things are starting to make sense.. Her harness all the sudden was ripped like someone pulled it to hard. I didn't think much of it till one of her toys was ripped the same way. She will bark alot when were upstairs in our room when no one has come over. I just realized she is barking at him. One of my wood tables is chewed up with teeth marks. But Cali doesn't chew furniture. Her fur felt different too. The worst part is he is covered in brusies on arms. What do I do?

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What do you do? You get your father the hell out of your house. That's what you do. And until he is gone you put your dog in a boarding facility and don't leave him alone with your father.
Helpful Answer (11)
LoopyLoo Sep 2022
Your profile says your Dad is only 58 years old. Why are you posting on an aging-related forum? Does he have ALZ? If so, it is very possible he could be hurting your dog because he can't cope with caring for it during the day.

You will need to decide which one is "easier" to re-home: your Dad or your dog. I'm not in the camp that animals automatically get preference over people, especially i your Dad is suffering with a cognitive disease and you are his caregiver. But you will need to protect the dog right away. Take her to the vet to get checked out. More info about your Dad would be really helpful in this discussion.
Helpful Answer (6)

1. Does your dog go outside, presumably to "do her business"? If so, who lets her out?

2. Have you taken her to a vet for exam? A vet could determine with more accuracy how any wounds might have been inflicted.

I think you need to explore further how the wounds occurred before drawing conclusions, and I agree with Geaton777, this isn't the right forum for that kind of issue.
Helpful Answer (3)

Why at 58 is your Dad not holding down a job?

Me, if someone was intentionally hurting my animal, that person would not be living with me. If they have Dementia and I am leaving them home with my animal and they are hurting it, the person would be placed if I had to work. Because anyone suffering from Dementia should not be left alone.

If person is in their right mind and living with you and are cruel to my animal...I would find an option for that person to find another place to live. If they can be cruel to an animal, they can be cruel to me.
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Admit it… there’s no “I think”. HE IS ABUSING HER.

Can you imagine how scared and helpless your dog is when she sees your father is about to hurt her again? You’re not there, she sees your father coming for her and she knows she’s about to be hit or thrown or kicked or even beaten… and nothing she can do about it. She doesn’t understand why you aren’t there to save her, she just knows she’s about to be in pain and has to take it. She is powerless to fight back.

Confront him and tell him he needs another place to live. Get him the F out of your home. Defend your dog’s life because no one else will.
Helpful Answer (4)

Either dad leaves your home or your dog gets rehomed and finds a new place to live. This is something that doesn't require much thought. The dog is being harmed, and that needs to STOP immediately, one way or another. If you can't get dad out of your home today, then get your dog out of your home today. It's not rocket science what's going on, even though you may not want to believe it. Animal abuse is something that happens all the time and even if dad isn't in his right mind enough to realize what he's doing, he's still DOING it and it has to stop immediately. You won't be able to convince HIM to stop, so that means the dog has to go or he has to go. Before he kills your dog.

My question is, why are you leaving your father alone all day while you work, and when he has what sounds like pretty bad dementia going on???? Now you say 'The worst part is he is covered in brusies on arms' which I take to mean your father's arms are covered in bruises. The dog is probably trying to defend herself while he is harming her. In reality, you have no idea WHAT is going on while you are at work and leaving the man alone at home. Not a good idea. Dementia is something you need to understand and treat accordingly. Dad needs placement or a caregiver to stay with him at home while you work. He can't be left alone at ALL anymore. That's something you CAN do right away: hire someone (on his dime) to be his caregiver while you are at work. Who will supervise him and make sure he's not harming the dog and vice versa.

Best of luck.

PS: Please DO take your dog to the vet STAT to see what's going on with her health! I see hopeforhelp's post above and agree with that statement 100%. The dog may need medication or a vet's intervention right now if she has a broken bone or dislocated jaw, etc.
Helpful Answer (2)

I wholeheartedly agree with with everyone's advice who have already posted. This situation is really serious and not to be ignored for one moment.

1. You need to take your dog to the vet IMMEDIATELY - to be properly taken care of. That means today - something is wrong with your dog's health and she needs need proper medical attention asap.

2. Under NO circumstances should your father and your dog be together - EVER - especially alone. Not ever - you cannot give your father the benefit of the doubt and ever allow this again - or it may be the last time your dog is ever ok. It also seems like your dog is also suffering from anxiety, as well, for whatever she went thru and was harmed. The first step is the see a vet for a full examination and to explain the situation to them.

3. You didn't elaborate if you live with your father - so living arrangements will need to be changed in this situation - for the protection of your dog. You may also want to have a nanny cam so you can see what happens when you're not at home (but even with that, you can never take the chance of your father being around your dog).

You are fortunate that you have the chance to make the necessary plans, rather than finding out when it's too late - but it's a huge warning sign. I really hope you take all the necessary steps to protect your dog - and I really hope she's ok and thrives.
Helpful Answer (2)

I’m so sorry what a horrible situation to be in. You should definitely go to the vet and get your dog checked out. If it were me I would find dad a new place to live. Take your dog someplace safe in the meantime.
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