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Thank you all for your responses. They are greatly appreciated and helpful.
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Stephen, there may be basic medical benefits as well as others, such as service connected disability, but the first step is to get registered for medical benefits, then speak with the social worker assigned to your team for information on what else may be available.

As JoAnn writes, you can contact the county VA service office, or the local VA hospital, or service organizations such as the VFW or American Legion. Whatever you do, don't be persuaded by commercial outfits that purport to help you get qualified for free, but charge a fee to manage your asset portfolio.

Your profile doesn't provide any information on your location. Do some googling, but if you have trouble, post back and someone can help guide you to find sources for help, as well as information on what you need document wise to get qualified.
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You need to call your County VA. If you were in during wartime then you may be able to get Aid and Attendance.
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