
My mother lives next door to my younger Sister. She has a family of her own, has kids, and a happy life aside from the stress my narcissistic mother lays upon her. She has always had a better relationship with my mom than I had. I'm the older sister and I was emotionally and sometimes physically abused by my mom.

When I was 18, I left and have managed to keep boundaries with my mom most of my life. However, my younger sister was treated well and had a good relationship with my mother up until recently. The past couple of years my mom is starting to treat my sister a little more like how she treats me. I think my sister now has some understanding that Mom has very toxic behavior, when previously they were best friends.

My Sister handles our mother’s meals (she is extremely picky), cleans her living area and feels like she has to jump at my mom’s every request. Mom throws temper tantrums and says cruel things when she doesn't get what she wants. Mom is never happy. It is never enough.

I want to help my sister because I love her, but she had often acted like a flying monkey and it has been difficult to trust her for a long time, as she has acted like a willing and joyful accomplice to Mom's manipulation of me and pushing my boundaries on her behalf. But lately I think she is seeing the truth about Mom now and how our mother really is, because Mom is letting her mask slip more often.

I do love my mom. I understand her trauma has made her how she is. I have forgiveness, but I will not allow myself to be a martyr or abused. I also love my sister and I don't want her to be exhausted and over stressed either. I told her she needs boundaries, but she says she is worried every call from Mom is an emergency and doesn't want to ignore them or wait for voicemail. She is quicker to anger these days and seems resentful of me because I live a distance away and refuse to be at Mom's beck and call for things that are not true emergencies.

I can't spend a lot of time with my mom, it drains me, and she says hurtful things. I have offered to pay for food service delivery to cater to Mom's picky needs, but Mom doesn't want that. I have offered Paying for Maid services, but Mom doesn't want a stranger in the house. My Sister wants me to do more to help her and is angry with me because I'm not in contact enough. I do call and talk with Mom 2-3 hours at a time a couple times a week to keep her distracted, and that is emotionally exhausting as I am mostly talked at than talked with, but I do it for my sister mostly.

I don't want my sister to hate me, but I also don't want to be guilted into care of an abusive mother. I feel like my sister is trying to get me to take over Mom's care, but I won't. Even though my Mom is more nasty to my Younger Sister she still respects her more so than she ever respects me.

Any advice would be helpful. I don't want to lose my sister or my Nieces but I also don't want to lose myself.

Thanks in advance.

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You say that you live "a distance away." What does that mean?
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MyaMama Jul 2022
about 150 miles away
It might be best to give sister an advance suggestion, then have a talk with her about a care plan for your mother. I’d suggest that you don’t try to suggest that you have always been picked on, sister has never believed, now she sees the truth. I’d expect sister to be defensive, and for that to go nowhere. Just agree that M ‘can be difficult’, and perhaps say that it’s common in elders and usually gets worse until dementia is advanced.

The care plan should set out what you are prepared to do, what sister is prepared to do, what gaps are left and how can they be filled by other means. That’s the most important bit now. It should also run through the ‘do it now while she’s legally competent’ things – POA, HIPPA, medical wishes etc.

The plan should preferably go on to say what is the ‘point of no return’ for home care. Double incontinence is for some people, physical attack for others, impossible sleeping problems for both her and carer, stressful behavior – you can discuss how things could or will get worse until no-one is coping.

The last step, which is probably too challenging for a first conversation, is where M goes for care if it becomes necessary. DO NOT make the 'golden promise' that we'll 'never put you in a home'. Promise that you'll always do the best thing to keep her safe and happy.

You and your sister making an overall plan together, is better than niggling about things as they come up.
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Hello Fellow Scapegoat Child!
Your sister is the golden child and so was mine. My sister ended up caring for our Narc mother when she developed cancer 6 years ago. I as the black sheep or Scapegoat was the ungrateful, selfish, cold hearted, evil child that wouldn’t even help care for her dying mother. Oooohhh wwwwoooee is meee, she’d wail. The truth was I was told my help was not wanted, I was not welcome, I was not wanted. So I respected that backing up my sister at a distance. IMHO neither child has it any better than the other and in my sisters case she has it worse now our parent kicked the bucket last October. She’s 36, is only in her first ever and serious relationship, has had to learn how to make friends because Mummy Dearest drove away anyone that took an interest in my sister. She feels adrift, a bit aimless and flat. Mummy left her 60k plus of debt and a funeral to try and pay for after lying that she had insurance. Your sister needs to be wary lest she end up like mine. To you it may seem she’s treated better but I can almost assure you 100% she’s is not. Your mother just abuses her in a different way. Scapegoat kids seem to come out better the other end. Seems there is something positive in being the unwanted child by a Narc
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JoAnn29 Jul 2022
Unless your sister signed off on the debt, she is not responsible for any debt your Mom has in her name.
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Experience is the best teacher. Your sister is going to have to learn some of this the hard way.

Can you say to sis "I have a different experience of mom than you do. I need to keep my distance, both physically and emotionally to protect my mental health."?

Mom is an adult; adults PLAN their old age and take time to discuss those plans with their children. They don't presume that their children will step in to do hands on care.

Your mother sounds like someone with undiagnosed mental illness. Consider suggesting to sis that she get mom to a geriatric psychiatrist for evaluation.

PS, you talk to her for 2-3 HOURS on the phone? Why?
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I think you are doing a lot with those phone calls. I asked my relatives to phone my father every so often to keep him occupied and my cousin did that until calling him got too hard to do and I completely understood.

What exactly does your sister want you to do? I understand her frustration that all this has fallen to her, especially since she always had a good relationship with your mom and now she sees the true colors. Tell her what you have offered and that mom turned them down. I am afraid the only thing mom will actually want is YOU there to abuse. And that is off the table. The thing is, if mom needs help, she needs to learn to accept what is offered, not demand services to suit her. I would start with finding out exactly what your sister wants of you and go from there. You may find out that she can't name a thing you could do for her and she just wants to be mad at someone so you are it.
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Sounds like you already know the answer…continue what you have been doing for years in dealing with your Mother. Your sister is a adult. Don’t take on her issues.
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I would not talk to someone for 2 or 3 hrs to get abused.
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You have taken care of yourself. You don't mention therapy so I am guessing you were strong enough to learn to protect yourself on your own. But you cannot manage that for others. Your Sister will have to take what measures she can to protect herself.
You both seem to understand who Mom is, but I am uncertain whether or not Sister yet recognizes that enabling her behavior is of no value to anyone. Mom won't be happier. Nor will Sister. Nor will you.
Mom should be in care of herself. If she suffers from dementia then she should have placement.
You say you love and understand Mom, but part of that is knowing you can't change anything here, and more sacrifice of your own life is of value to no one.
We have two chances at family. The one we're born to and the one we make for ourselves.
Mom has had her life; she will reap as she has sown. It's time for you and Sister to recognize you each have a right to your own lives and to embrace that right and make that life.
I wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (5)

Do not allow your mothers enablers (your sister included) to guilt or shame you into taking care of your abuser. Continue to maintain your boundaries and put your own needs first. If you want to help your sister, encourage her to stop enabling the bad behavior and help her to establish her own boundaries with your mother. The narcissist is resourceful and once your sister learns to pull back and detach, she will realize there is always another source of supply your mother can manipulate to her advantage to get her needs met. If your mother refuses professional help and is in need of it to remain independent like my narc MIL, allow her to make her own poor choices and live with those consequences. If her choices cause her to suffer, that is nobody’s fault but her own. You can also call social services to do a home check and evaluate the situation and her needs. This can be done anonymously and can help get her the care she needs so your sister can stop doing it all for what I’m assuming is free. Your Narc mother sounds just as entitled as my Narcissistic MIL, and feels it’s their children's job to weight on them hand and foot; never having a plan for aging because they stay in denial for as long as they can, and never asking for help, it’s assumed or received via volunteers through manipulation and guilt. Your sister will hopefully begin to realize how her own mother uses her and that no matter how much she does, it will never be enough. My fiancé just got out of ER last week for caregiver stress but all his Narc mother cares about is what he can still do for her, even if it kills him before her. It’s never ending and soul sucking, you made the right choice. Good luck, stop beating yourself up. That’s exactly where the narc and her enablers want you, seconding guessing yourself.
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Wow, your family situation sounds like mine except, I had a brother, in the middle, who was the golden child and my sister finally realized how awful my Mother was. As youngsters, I and my sister looked forward to going to college out of state just so that we could leave the obvious favoritism and whacky behavior.

I came back to take care of my Mom because my brother requested me to. Within 4 months, I sought out a therapist who gave me many tips on how to deal with the dynamics. My brother died 2 years later and the dynamics of the situation changed again.

Support your sister. Figure out for yourself what you can willingly do and what you will not or cannot do. Then let your sister know those boundaries. When talking to your mother, do NOT commit to anything, refer everything to your sister. Let your sister know what is going on. Do not allow your mother to manipulate you and do not allow your sister to make decisions for you, without getting your agreement first. Your mother will probably do and believe your sister more than you anyway. Hang up the phone if necessary.

Your sister is quicker to anger because of the stress that your Mom is putting on her. You can help her by listening and empathizing. Do not allow your sister to cross the boundaries that you have made regarding your mother. Your sister will figure it out. If she doesn't, then suggest she go to therapy.

My Mom still tries to divide and conquer and dangle-the-carrot-and-pull-away. She will say something to one and say something just slightly different to the other then tell on the other. She uses money as bait. She has now involved her grandchildren in this manipulation and plays favorites.

My sister and I now catch her in her deceptive practices because we talk to each other and are in agreement with the decisions, big and small. My sister has told her children to not accept money or material goods from Grandma. You and your sister need to become united like that. Only then will both of you get control of the situation, make some hard decisions, and diffuse the stress for both of you.

My Mom has dementia now. However, the dementia has not curtailed the deceptive practices. In fact, in some ways it has made it worse because now we are all liars. That is even more the reason to have multiple people saying the same thing to her.

Good luck. It may or may not get any easier.
Helpful Answer (2)

Now getting near the end of your mothers life your sister realizes who she really is. You were abused by both of them and made the wise decision to remove yourself from that toxic relationship w them. As an adult your sister can choose to do as she decides- please don’t consider take on advising your sister what to do, or being involved. She’s an adult and while you can if you choose to have limited contact w her don’t make the mistake of letting yourself get pulled into their arrangement, if she’s a narc like you say and your sister is also very toxic, there won’t be a reasonable or kind way this goes so don’t get involved, it’s not yours to solve and you have to protect yourself from toxic stress!
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MyaMama: Perhaps it is time for managed care facility living for your mother.
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WHO talks on the phone for 2-3 hours at a pop? Mom has, at the very least, mental illness, or undiagnosed dementia. My step daughter is bi polar and can honest-to-God talk the paint off the walls. She calls my DH and talks for a straight hour w/o coming up for air w/o once asking how HE is doing. THIS is mental illness. B/c nobody in their right mind talks for hours on end on the phone. Perhaps your mother, now that she's older, has undiagnosed dementia? You don't say how old she is. Nip that nonsense in the bud right away!!!! Please, for your own wellbeing!

In any event, I see that you want to help your sister, who is now trying desperately to get your help with mother. At what cost to YOU, though? You have to decide how much you'll do for this woman. What your boundaries are, and then stick to them. Tell sister that you will do XY&Z and no more. PERIOD. That your mental health depends on self care, with all that mother has done to you over the years, and suggest to HER that she ALSO set down boundaries with mother for HER mental health. Perhaps the two of you can become partners together now in how to handle mom with the least amount of damage to both of you. Figure it out together; does that seem like something you can do? Would sister be amenable do such a thing? You can band TOGETHER in this action and maybe bond closer with one another as a result. Mother is nuts, sisters band together in recognition of such a fact, and help one another through the ordeal. That's the goal.

Otherwise, everyone loses.

See what plan the two of you can come up with to Manage Mother Best.

Sister takes her on X days and you take her on Y days, for X hours and no more. You do X for her and sissy does Y. Then you both back off and go about your own lives while mother fends for herself and hires help if she needs it. B/c there is ONLY SO MUCH the two of you are willing or able TO do. Mother can move into Assisted Living if she needs THAT much help or to talk THAT much to others. Let her pay for the privilege of others putting up with her! That's what I did with my mother: Got her set up in Assisted Living and let those people deal with her B.S. so I could cut down on how much I had to deal with! And I let her think I had a full time job when I didn't so she didn't expect me to be available for her all the time. She wound up making 'friends' in the ALF and bad mouthed THEM 24/7 and that let ME off the hook for all the toxic waste coming out of her mouth! Win/win!

Wishing you good luck with the monstrous details.
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I was my mother's scapegoat, my brother the golden child.

She sucked the very life out of me. I backed away my brother who had done little for her throughout his life was forced to step up.

I do support him behind the scenes, if I want to. That's it, haven't spoke to my mother in 10 years, did it once before for 9 years, the happiest years of my adult life, as she made my life a living hell. I will never speak to her again.

2-3 hours on the phone several times a week? Your kidding right? Why are you doing this to yourself? Keeping yourself in the loop of abuse.

Settle the problem, place your mother in a home so that both of you can get your freedom back.

Your sister is the master of her own ship, if she wants to continue this dysfunctional relationship with mom that is her choice, not yours, nor is it your place to try and resolve her issues.

Keep in mind your mother could live a very long time, my mother is 97 and still causing issues, I could have wasted another 10 years of my happy life had I not gone no contact.
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1. some others have exclaimed about you talking to your abusive mother a couple of times per week for 2-3 hours at a stretch.

I am with them in their stunned reaction: WHAT! WHY? Why would you allow yourself to be sucked in like that?

Allowing your mother to meaninglessly harangue and guilt-trip you is as mentally abusive to you, as forcing a 2-3 hour walk in Death Valley a couple of times per week at midday is physically abusive to a thirsty man. The mental abuse you take can be as dangerous as physical abuse. Stop those phone calls now. They don’t help your sister or your mother, and they diminish you.

2. Don’t take on any guilt, shame, or effort to help your sister with the thankless task of mother’s care. Your sister has chosen this path, but you didn’t choose this path for yourself and you didn’t demand your sister take the caretaker path, and she and your mother have both discarded or belittled your generous offers and clear-eyed recommendations. I hate that your “golden” sister belittled or disbelieved the treatment you got from your mother growing up. That must hurt and it was unfair to you.

You are in a no-win situation, so to save your sanity, self-worth, self-respect, and actual physical health:

You must let your mother and sister do their private tango dance without you.
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Sorry, I didn’t get through all of the advice, but did everyone notice that the sister can’t even let her mom’s call go to voice mail before she’s on the run to problem solve? Holy cow!

If you are comfortable doing so, support your sister however you can. Sounds like she is either at the edge of the cliff OR mom has her trained exceptionally well.

When sister reaches her final straw, a facility will help solve the issue for both of you. But you stay safe and sane, whatever you do.
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