
Sometimes it feels like half my day is spent picking up glasses, bottles, plates, trash, towels, tissues, and other things. I could let it go, but the task wouldn't go away and we would soon run out of glassware. I wonder if others out there spend as much time as I do.

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It's all pay back for when you were two years old. ;-)
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OMG this is the worst it used to really freak me out but ive had to let it go now for my own sanity! Funny this came up now a friend was supposed to call for a glass of wine tonight i was happy but then straight away the thought of tyding up before she comes up was getting too much for me anyway she then cancelled pathetic as i was kinda relieved!!
Mum started to hoard about ten years ago then she stopped so we did get rid of alot of stuff now she clutters..........baskets everywhere one for pills one for letters just stuff that we would throw away every night shes organising another basket? they say they start one chore then forget and go on to the next chore then forget so yes then we come along and have to clean it all up again and again its enough to drive you crazy! what i do now as i got so tired of the constant tidying up i clean the whole house in the morning and just let it be at night as im too tired! its worse than a toddler! I used to give out to her before i knew she had dementia but now i just let it go as whats the point! even my cleaning lady is getting annoyed when she comes and has to tidy out another cupboard she can see what i have to go through and is in shock as to just how messy mum can have the place in a matter of hours? I am not a clean freak but i like things organised and in place yep the constant mess is draining and dangerous. The docs the nurses the ot all tell her NO RUGS she keeps putting them down i keep taking them away i took them all away and put into the attic she went when i was away and bought new ones!! You cant win with this but the most maddening thing is sometimes she will comment on the mess like its me oh so frustrating! Im just looking at her chair now a mess all around it.....wool,slippers,newspapers,baskets,tins,crumbs? how do they do it?
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Ha! jesse its the end of summer and THANKGOD the flies are dying out!! yeh all summer i spent getting rid of crap as the flies were having a great time! The worst is when she hides food in her room even though i clean it everyday theres always something lingering under the bed OR in the wardrobe? She sneaks biscuits up in her dressing gown then i suppose they go mouldy wherever she hides them? I want to get my sister when shes here and declutter her whole bedroom but she goes mad when i suggest it am i crazy to think she may get more passive and THEN we can go in like CSI and really clear up her room? So much junk furniture and yes more baskets!!
I think when this is all over i will have panic attacks whenever i see "baskets". Lol
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Half my chores is picking up, and that's from my significant other who was spoiled by his mother :P He is getting much better knowing I will not cater to him.
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I know what you me, kazzaa. Anywhere my mother spends time has a mountain of clutter around it. She likes to keep things handy so she doesn't have to get up. And she puts dirty dishes and trash all about her, thinking she'll tend to it later. Later comes when I finally pick it up. I can't stand looking at dirty dishes, imagining roaches and ants that would love to find them.
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