
First - this is hypothetical, don't mean to worry you guys. If I were talking on the phone with my mother and she clearly needed help, say a fall or possible stroke could I call 911 for her even though I live in another state? In this situation assume I can't reach anyone local who could come to her house and she herself is obstinately refusing to call 911 herself. And what happens if the ambulance shows up and she refuses to go with them?

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You can call 911 from any where. When you give address they will transfer call.. I wouldn't hesitate to call, let them persuade her to go to hospital..
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Thanks Assandache7
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It wouldn't hurt to get the actual telephone number for the police in her city. Post it somewhere useful.
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I keep the landline number for mom's police dept in my cell phone. When it answers, I hit zero for the dispatcher.
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Life Alert has saved My Moms life 3 times. Best $20 bucks we spend each month.
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Call their non emergency number and explain, they likely have a direct dial number into the 911 center. Do not assume you will be able to transfer, from the non emergency center. Do this before an emergency as the non emergency number will likely nit be staffed 24 x 7.
It is smart of you to think ahead on this, I deal with 911 centers in my business and had not toughs this through until now.

Happy holidays,
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Thanks everybody - police department is a good idea too I will add that. I wonder if I should have the fire dept. too. Who do you call if someone literally has fallen and can't get up?

I would loooove for her to wear Lifealert, but she adamantly refuses even though she has had many falls now. She instead claims to always keep a small cell phone in her pocket, but you know there's no way she does it every time and keeps it charged at all times.
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If you do need to call 911, is there a neighbor or nearby relative with a key you can also call? She may not be able to reach the door ifshe falls.
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