
He has bad memory loss, he is fairly delusional about things.
Repetition of same stories constantly.
Obsessive about religion.
Toxic behaviour, making up stories/lying.

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Why do you want to know the "stage"?

I think it might be useful to know if his behavioral symptoms can be helped by meds. I would schedule an appoinment with his PCP and get a referral to a geriatric psychiatrist.

I think you also want to know what level of care he needs at this time. For that, I would contact the local Area Agency on Aging and ask for a needs assessment.
Helpful Answer (5)

Stages, as published, are only guidelines. Chances are that he is exhibiting symptoms in several stages.

Toxic? Lies? Making up stories? This, unfortunately, is part of dementia. The stories, you think he is making up, are very real to him. This is how his brain is working, or not working. His brain is broken and he is unable to remember what the truth is, he is delusional. Those with dementia also have intense paranoia so that will cause delusions.

You need to be able to be in his world. Don't argue or try to correct his thoughts. That will only cause agitation, which can become extreme.
Helpful Answer (6)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
I've found that out the hard way, the arguing bit. It escalates.
In the beginning, when I was learning everything I could about Alzheimer’s, I also wanted to know about the stages and was trying to identify what stage my mom was in as she was progressing. I guess knowing the diagnosis and being able to assign stages was helpful to me, perhaps in a way to understand what was coming next. But as others have said, stages are just numbers.

Everything you mentioned is exactly what I went through with my mom. That is classic dementia, especially in the beginning. The delusions, forgetfulness, repetition, obsessive/compulsive behavior, toxic behavior, especially towards you, and it feels so personal and hurtful. Eventually, I came to realize that she was probably feeling so frightened and confused, and perhaps I, being safe for her, was a safe outlet for her to vent on, even if she wasn’t doing it consciously. That didn’t make it any easier when it was happening, really only in retrospect later. I had to keep telling myself, it’s not her, it’s the disease… it’s the disease… it’s the disease. (while taking 1000 deap breaths!)

I am assuming that you have ruled out other medical conditions like a stroke, urinary tract infection, or other medical condition and that you do suspect Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia. If so...

Your dad will exhibit signs of multiple stages, sometimes simultaneously, and sometimes he will go back-and-forth. Sometimes he may progress to another stage, and sometimes go back to another stage for a while, and so on.

It will be helpful to learn the signs of all the stages and then recognize the symptoms and learn to deal with all of them. It’s a very difficult journey and I feel for you. There will be very very hard days (hours, minutes), and there will be easier days, and there will be times that you might have weeks and even months at very difficult stages and then, at least with my mom, there might be times that he goes back to an “easier stage” for weeks or even months.

With my mom, none of the above seemed to be directly attributable to medication changes or anything we did in terms of her treatment or even the way I tried to manage it or her. It’s just the disease progression, and the mystery of the way it, and the brain, works. It just takes an extraordinary, sometimes seemingly unmanageable, amount of patience and understanding, and continually educating yourself.

This forum offers a wealth of support. A lot of times when I thought I must be the only person on the planet dealing with the things I was dealing with, it was very helpful to find not only some answers, but simply that other people were dealing with the same things.

Good luck, stay strong and take care of yourself! ❤️
Helpful Answer (7)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
Thankyou so very much. This is very good advice and I will try very hard to be patient etc I had a convo with one of my siblings last week and he admitted that he didn't realise how much worse my father's brain had deteriorated, as he doesn't really see our dad all that much more does my sister. I'm the only one along with my husband, who sees him regularly.
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This chart I think is the most helpful to answer your question:

I'm sure you're trying to figure out where he's at in the dementia process and how long this stage will last. While no chart can be a sure-fire answer, this one, I think, has a good timeline for what to expect.

Good luck..........such a terrible thing dementia, I know, my mother has it as well.
Helpful Answer (3)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
Thank you for this. It's really helpful to know what lies ahead.
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I would also add that sometimes, by the time you get to this point, it might be very difficult to get your dad to admit to even needing to go and see a specialist for the full work-up and formal testing. That’s where we were with my mom. Why should I go to a doctor? There’s nothing wrong with me! Dementia? Of course I don’t have dementia! Medications? I don’t need medications! And so on. You can just imagine trying to get her into an MRI. That was a nonstarter, several times over two years. We tried valiantly for a long time, and eventually gave up and luckily found a visiting doctor who has prescribed medications (powdered, in her Ensure) based on the obvious diagnosis without needing the MRI and all of the formalities.

If we had a cure for it, rather than simply managing it, I would have forced the issue, kicking and screaming notwithstanding. Sadly, we don’t, yet. 🙏

In my case, my dad and I were too close to her to be the ones to be making the suggestion. We got to be the enemy in that regard. Perhaps your dad has a close trusted friend that could be the one to have the conversation.
Helpful Answer (3)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
It depends on WHO you need to advise and the reasons WHY.

In my opinion the 1-7 stage model is good to research for yourself but not very helpful to describe to others.

The early/moderate/late stages are enough for dealing with medical people/hospitals.

A vague early or moderate is usually enough to inform others eg: a dentist appointment or a lunch with distant relatives. Just a 'heads-up' to what to expect really.

But for CARE the best I have seen is Teepa Snow's approach. She calls it *Positive approach to care*.

She really understands that people can move through different levels/stages due to all sort of things (pain, fear, stress, even time of day).

Eg: a *Diamond* (still clear thinking, sharp but cutting words) can become an *Amber* (stuck in an endless loop of thought) under stress.

I'll try to paste a link to follow.
Helpful Answer (3)
BarbBrooklyn Nov 2020
copy and paste:

Here they are.
Copy and paste:

"Just like gems, each person is precious, valuable, and unique, and given the right setting and care, can shine." - Teepa Snow
Helpful Answer (4)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
This is a great help also. What a clever way to explain through gems.
Thank you so much.
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Helpful Answer (2)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
Thankyou for your kind words and support
In addition to the support & understanding from people participating with this forum, I have found a plethora of helpful information at

Best to you and your pops.
Helpful Answer (1)

You have some excellent suggestions here. With my experience with my wife, now 10 years into Alzheimer's, I too was concerned earlier about "stages" but these can change even in a single day. Consider instead what (if any) medications are needed, how to avoid urinary tract infections and bedsores and how best to care for your father. I find it still works well at home, even though my wife has been confined to bed for the last two years. It is important to get help, perhaps from a franchise like Home Instead, whose local workers have been very helpful. Don't try to do everything yourself.

There are so many books about dementia that's it hard to know which ones to recommend. I would suggest Jude Welton's "Can I tell you about dementia: A guide for family, friends and carers" and Lucy Whitman's "People with Dementia Speak Out" and her earlier book, "Telling Tales about Dementia: Experiences of Caring" (all three books published by Jessica Kingsley). The reason I am suggesting these is to stress how different everyone is in how they experience dementia, how they treat their loved ones and carers, and how those loved ones and carers themselves respond to different people with dementia.

You might also find helpful Dr Jennifer Bute, "Dementia from the Inside" (published by SPCK) which suggests: "There are three key principles when it comes to understanding people with dementia. 1) There is always a reason why a person is behaving in a particular way [although I would add, they may not know that reason]; 2) When facts are forgotten, feelings remain; and 3) Familiar patterns of behaviour continue" (p. 64).

I hope you find these suggestions helpful. I am very impressed at how you are responding to each answer. I too have found this forum quite helpful.

With friendship and prayers for a manageable future
Helpful Answer (3)
Nazdrovia Dec 2020
Thankyou. Sorry I.havent been.looking at this forum. for a few weeks, so Ive only just read your advice.which is extremely caring and helpful. I.will. indeed look.into.your suggestions. Every little bit helps.
Based on my experience this is dimentia.

If you need to know what stage he is in or his condition it would be best to ask his Doctor.

If your not his regular caregiver you may need to get permission for the Dr to speak to you.

You could offer to take him to the Dr for his next visit and discuss it at that time

There are plenty of books out there on the topic
Helpful Answer (1)

Seems like dementia to me. If you need to know more, you need to have him seen by a doctor. I do not know if you will ever be told a "stage" but it seems with what you stated that he has dementia. Again, a doctor can tell you more and even prescribe medications if needed.
Helpful Answer (1)

Neurologist can help determine that. The doc can request an MRI of the brain. Since the scan requires one to lie perfectly still, do it now when your dad can still understand instructions.
Helpful Answer (1)

Get neuropsych testing done.
Helpful Answer (1)
ARYoung Nov 2020
Ddefinitely needs a diagnosis from a professional. Family doctor can only do a simple test. Schedule an appt with a neuropsych who has experience in diagnosing dementia, not all have experience or knowledge. It took me 3 years to get a referral from my Mom's family doctor to a neuropsych. Peace be with you.
Both of my parents died from dementia and other conditions so I can speak a little about it. During those difficult years their doctor told me they can tell when they had progressed into another stage by the signs of what they were doing. Just stay strong emotionally for them and adjust accordingly to each stage by staying in their life as much as you can. Down under it all they will sense your love and support no matter what and be comforted by that. Bless you!
Helpful Answer (2)

The "stage" depends on the type of dementia he has. Alzheimer's has seven stages, for example.

But what you describe is typical of a moderate stage of dementia.
Helpful Answer (3)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
Thankyou for this.
Better to get your father a comprehensive physical from his doctor and maybe a follow-up with a neurologist or psychologist. Many health problems can cause what is going on with your father: tumors/cancer, imbalance in electrolytes, psychological problems, infections... that why I suggest seeing his doctor to rule out all the other probable causes. If your dad does have Alzheimer's type dementia (it is the most common), "staging" helps clinicians track the progress of their patients and can help families understand the usual pathway of disease. However, every person is a little different. Dementia usually does not "kill" people, but other health conditions are usually what leads to death. The job of the family for the person with dementia is to maintain their safety and to maintain their health. Unfortunately, this will require more and more supervision and assistance. Families can care for their loved ones at home but need to have a plan for when their LO can not be left unsupervised - even at night.
Helpful Answer (2)

The Dr will be able to tell you what stage he’s in . They will do a ct scan of his brain . My husband started with
slight memory loss , I thought it was because of his age. Then 8 months later
he had a stroke right in front of me . Then started having multiple strokes. He’s totally disabled now and also getting Parkinson’s. He’s in pull ups , I have to do everything for him, shower, cut his hair, I finally had the Dr give me a script for condom catheters . Which saves me so much laundry . It’s so heart breaking . Its so hard watching someone you love loss his or her identity and all they knew . He doesn’t know who his children are , can’t remember any friends . And at times doesn’t know my name .
don't loose Faith ✝️, pray , let God help you, because he will never leave or forsake you . I pray you find answers , it helps so much to either text or talk to people going through the same situation as you 🙏🙏🌷🌺
? God Bless 🙏🙏🙏🌺🌷
Helpful Answer (3)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
Thankyou for your kind words.
Pick up a copy of The 36-Hour Day!

A friend gave me a copy when my Mom
started slipping and it was my bible, reference and the time she passed away, the pages were well worn with lots of tabs marking info and her progression. I’m now re-visiting it as my Dad ages, he’s 98.

It’s certainly a heart breaking journey, but I always tried to keep in mind that Mom & Dad changed my diapers & tied my shoes and now it’s my time to help them.
Helpful Answer (3)

My name is Dr. Jack Grenan and I have a PhD in Hypnotherapy, MS in Psychology and a MA in Education. I have personally dealt with these types of issues with my grandmother who we lived with for more than 2 years untik her passing. I personally suggest that you have 2-3 Psychologists examine your father. I also suggest that you make sure to investigate the different medications that may bring relief to your fathers symptoms or side effects.
I also know of new methods that are available to improve your fathers condition. I am not seeking new patients. I am a survivor of 4th stage colon cancer and a coma with a constant 106 degree fever for 4 months. So I had my own issues with memory as well as issues from 7 months of chemotherapy.
You can reach my e mail address my placing my name in a general search. I help anyone in need who ask me for help. I am NOT trolling for patients I am blessed to have had my heart stop and be fortuante to have had my heart and life brought back so I could live with my family!
God Be With You,
Dr. Jack Grenan
Helpful Answer (7)
Nazdrovia Nov 2020
TThankyou very much.
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there are different stages. my dad would make remarks that he never would have made before (you're getting fat, stuff like that).....then he would go thru stuff he had put away, bring it all out, go thru it every day....then my mom said he would get angry and actually hold his walker up in the time he called the police and said he wasn't being fed........then he started with sexual things.......pretty much after that my mom could no longer handle the anger, etc and when he fell for the 4th or 5th time, he had to go to ER.....from there he went to hospital room for 3 days, then to NH.  my mom could no longer care for him and for us, (and mom) it was a blessing.  he got good care, they called any time anything would happen (small bruise on finger), etc.  he was there for 6 years, just passing this past May.  There are different stages and I guess for each person it is different.  talk to a family doctor with one knowledgable in this area.  get things lined up (see elder attorney) in case you need to put him in a NH.  if no money, he would qualify for Medicaid, but make sure wherever you place him, they take it.  I wish you luck in this.
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Thankyou all for your kind words and support. I've had a terrible week so far, and I'm finding it very hard to believe in God at the moment.
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Utopia1942 Nov 2020
Have faith and never give up. I just prayed for you!!!!
Prayers sent for your father.
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