
My Mother is 95 and she almost to the point of being bedridden.She was so weak yesterday I had to lift her up out of the bed.I put on her potty chair by the bed so she could urinate.She used to be able to hold on to bed railing next to the bed.She used to be able to get up and go back to bed.She couldn't yesterday because she was too weak.She has suddenly gotten weaker in the last 5 days.She is alll skin and bones.She was 100 lbs.I think she weighs less now.This is the first time she told me and my sister that lives with her that she wants to die in her house and nowhere else.

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You can call her doctor to have an assessment done and get a recommendation for a local hospice program.
My Mom is on at home hospice.
They come out twice a week to bathe her (in the bed) and the nurses come out to monitor her. All other care is up to me.
they will provide any medicines (mainly for pain, they stop the others) and they need a DNR order to get started. If she needs a lift, diapers, or a hospital bed, etc. they will be provided free of charge.
They also provide a social worker and clergy. Plus 24 hour emergency access for any changes.
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Definitely get her set up with hospice immediately, and get her in diapers so she doesn't have to get on the commode. If she falls (and she will), you won't be able to pick her up. Call 911 for the fire department to pick her up and get her back into bed.

You need to move quickly to ensure her a safe and comfortable existence until the end.
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Call hospice today and have them come out to do an assessment. Most states do not require a doctors referral, you can just call them yourself.
My late husband too wanted to die at home and was under hospice care in our home for the last 22 months of his life. He was completely bedridden.
They will supply all needed equipment(including hospital bed)supplies, and medications all covered 100% under your mothers Medicare.
They will also have a nurse to check on her once a week to start and aides to come bathe her around twice a week, even if it's just a bed bath as in my husbands case.
It definitely sounds like it's time to bring them on board.
Wishing you and your mother the very best.
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Agreed, look into hospice. Wishing you peace as you continue on this difficult journey.
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Yes, do get hospice in now. Speak to her doctor, whichever of you is the POA. I am so sorry, but what a long life with gentle and loving care.
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Hospice as soon as possible. I just went through this with my mom. She was 93. She was also under 100 lbs and not strong enough to transition even to a bedside toilet. In her case she stopped eating and drinking. Hospice provided all the supplies, including a bed, and provided incredible help during her last hours. I wish you peace and comfort during this difficult time,
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Make sure you get a not-for-profit hospice. Medicare pays 100% of hospice.
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I’m sorry you’re coming to this time. I remember it all too well. Others are correct, your mother should not get up at all now. Hospice was a great help to me with my dad. We also benefitted from them giving us a list of workers, not direct employees of theirs, but workers with years of experience in hospice who worked on their own, negotiated their own hours and pay. I hired several of these amazing ladies who did a great job with my dad and allowed me some rest. They also knew some tips that were a big help. I wish you all peace in this time
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