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Panda, I don't think that age is a contributor to determining when it is time to find a better care situation for our loved ones. When we ask ourselves if it is time, we are getting worn down and realizing that the care we are providing is too hard on us emotionally and physically. It is time. The loved one would receive the level of care that they need. And we would have the energy to become a loved one and no longer provide the 24/7 care. We let the large majority of the care responsibility be someone else's job so we can return to the job of being the loved one. We need to take care of ourselves if we want anything left over for our loved one.

Your care responsibilities will not end, they take a different form. We become advocates and our job is to ensure that our loved one is receiving the services and care that they need.
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For me it was when she had to go the ER for the third time because I could not lift her and hold her up while cleaning and redressing her. She could not stand or walk even with assistance. I was hurting myself trying to care for her. I simply could not go on and knew that she needed 24hr. care.
She entered hospice today. God only knows when she will leave there.
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PandabearAUS Mar 2019
Hope things go well for you
When they get to much for you. You shouldn't sacrifice your health or physical being. The final straw for some seems to be violent behaviour.
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