
My mother is in a group home with severe dementia after a stroke. My brother and I sold her home. I called on October 15 and closed out her utility and paid the balance that day. They said I was good to go and the new owners were already signed up. Now I get a bill two months later saying she owes $29.00 for service prior to closing out the account even though when I paid they said that was the balance. The bill says the utility was read on December 1. This is well after I closed it and the new owners moved in. Do I have to pay this? My mother only has a little money and we need that for her care. If this is for service prior to closing out the account, how can the bill say it was read on December 1? The lady at the utility said if I don't pay they'll send to collections. I don't know who collections would contact, because it's not my bill and my mother is completely incapacitated.

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Send them a letter stating that the outstanding balance has already been paid and that nothing further is owed. They should feel free to send your mother to 'collections' as she is now suffering from dementia, penniless, and totally incapacitated in nursing care.

I have done the exact same things a few times myself on behalf of my mother who was threatened with collections for 'surgery' on a WART from her PCP to the tune of $616! She used Compund W on the wart & billed Medicare for $616, if that isn't some nerve! Medicare wisely refused the charges and I sent the refusal statement to the billing dept at her PCPs office. They, in turn, told me they were going to send her to collections (this was after she changed PCPs), so I said FINE, go right ahead, be my guest! LOL. The matter went on for a while and was then closed out without further action.

Same thing happened to me with a $3600 bill for a 'surgical assistant' bill that my insurance denied. I told them I was NOT going to pay for ANY services that weren't covered by my insurance. And I didn't. The threats to take me to collections weren't acted upon either, after I sent them a letter (with a cc to my surgeon) stating my original intentions all along.

Idle threats to elderly people (and all the rest of us) are extremely annoying, aren't they?
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Send the letter saying the bill has been paid in full, and don't worry about it. If they send it to collections, it might affect your mom's credit, but she's hardly in the market for a mortgage or a credit card, so who cares?
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If the reading is after the couple took over the house, its their's not your Moms. I doubt they will send $29 to collections. Easier to just write off. What can they do to Mom, so what if her credit is effected. She going to buy a house or a car? You could write that letter saying the acct was paid in full in Oct. At that time, the new owners took over. The bill reads Dec 1, the acct was closed before that.
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