
I've been staying with and taking care of my 83 yr old mother. First two yrs slept on sofa by myself. After an attempted break in, my husband came and slept on other sofa. About 6 to 8 months ago, we put a bed in spare bedroom. In December, my mother sold the house to my sister and her husband. I was not told and found out by accident.

My mother has copies of anything.

My mom thought that since she is allowed to stay at house till she dies, my husband and I would stay also.

My sister and her husband are taking us to court to evict us. Just me and my husband. They have never spoken to us about even buying the house and are evicting us.

Since staying here, our mobile home has become unlivable.

Do we have any rights?

And what about my mom and her care? What rights does she have?

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You may, but you need to talk with an attorney. Is mom competent? Was she coerced into selling the house? Was it sold at market value? You can find information on your county clerk and assessor website.
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If you suspect financial abuse you need to take your evidence to an elder law attorney who will assess the strength of your case. Also, hoping your mother never needs to rely on Medicaid since the way and timing of the house sale may delay or disqualify her. Most state Medicaid apps have a 5-year look-back period into finances. If your mom had a medical diagnosis of dementia in her records prior to the sale and your sister was her assigned FPoA, you may not have a case. But if no one was your mom's PoA, there may be a case for abuse. Only a lawyer can give you the legal guidance required in your situation.
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