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Do you have hospice on board ? If not , I would call his dr and ask for the referral. Hospice is a God send. A RN visits weekly, cna , twice weekly, minister weekly, they bring in supplies as needed.. hospital bed, wheeelchair, tray table , depends , chux pads , lotions etc.. plus support you and your father !
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Like babsjvd said below, I hope by now you have brought hospice on board as they will be able to answer any questions you may have about end of life.
And it's covered 100% under your dads Medicare.
Typically when end of life is near, a person will stop eating and drinking as the digestive system is the first to shut down. So if your dad isn't eating or drinking that may be a sign that the end is near.
But remember only God knows the day and time that He will call your dad home, so just make sure you're enjoying whatever time you have left with him and leave nothing left unsaid.
May God bless you and keep you during this trying time.
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Our hospice nurse told us the three signs that the end of life was nearing were a loss of interest in food, stopping communication, and sleeping much more in a deeper than normal sleep. This proved very true for us with my dad. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this time with your dad and wish you both peace
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