
My 89 year old mother belongs to a club with other very elderly people who stay young by being involved in their non-profit square dance club. They hold these get-togethers once a week and rent a building by the month with the membership fees paid at the door by all those who attend each week. My mother is the Treasurer and Secretary and says if they don't attract new members they won't be able to stay together and the club would fail. She and some others put their own money together and invested in some flyers to post at various places nearby and a Banner that can be seen from the street to be put on the side of the building. It wasn't until after they spent all their money that they realized that there was no one in their club who was capable of the physical requirements involved to climb a ladder and put up said Banner. She has been calling and asking the other members if they have kids or know anyone who might help them put up the banner. So far, they have come up with no one. I live in Tempe, AZ, but I told her I would look around on the internet for her since she doesn't have a computer. It appears that my mother is the one who is always responsible for getting things done. I want her to stay active because she is in pretty good health and I think that is due to her square dancing at least once a week. Other than that she gets little exercise. Sorry for being so long-winded. My hope was, that by contacting this agency, you might be able to put me in touch with some kind-hearted volunteers, perhaps living in Milwaukee or nearby so they would not have to travel far, who might take an hour to help put up the Banner for these, I think, 25 to 30 octogenarians who still can shuffle around a dance floor? :-) I really wasn't sure of the appropriate topic heading, so...

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I am absolutely thrilled that, living over here in the UK, I can think of a group of silver-haired dancers making formations in Milwaukee. You have made my day.

Your mother's and her fellow club members' ingenuity and enterprise, too, are remarkable. What I suggest is that she telephones or visits the nearest library and consults them about volunteer organisations. Modern life does tend to complicate everything with risk assessments and insurance; but I'm sure there will be willing people out there who will get the job done in a jiffy.

It might also be a good place to put their flyers, of course :)

May they dance on in good health! Please pass my best wishes for every success to them.
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Have they tried local religious groups?
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Are there any local Senior Citizen Centers? Often they have employees or volunteers that would be capable and happy to lend a hand. And maybe the group could hold a swing dance weekly at the Senior Citizen's facility - my parents used to go to one in TN that had a live band dance twice per week....
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I suggest they call some local high schools. Many schools are including community service into their special degrees. When I was teaching, my students were always looking for ways to get their community service hours filled.
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Another suggestion is to contact a local building contractors organization to see if any of the contractors know of any contractors that would be willing to volunteer to install the banner.
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A couple ideas:

They rent the building. Does the buildings owner have a maintenance man?

Is there a local tv station that does news and/or a morning program? They might be interested in this as a human interest story. Might find a banner hanger and some new members.

The agency for aging and disability in the county where the group is located. They may know of a volunteer group.

Is there a local chapter of Habitat For Humanity? While this isn’t what they do specifically- it is an organization full of handy type volunteers who enjoy this type of public service.

Best of luck to you. Please let us know how it works out.
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To all of you who answered this question, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I somehow messed up my login and can no longer access the question or your answers (to thank you or give you a thumbs up individually)
I just want you to know that I will be contacting my mom tomorrow with all of your wonderful suggestions.
Thanks, again, consciousmatrix, now consciousone.
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I guarantee my church would step up for a request like that, and know of several youth groups where I live that would be there in a minute!
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