
There is no such thing as a free sample!!!
By approving the receipt of a free sample, I was signed up for two expensive subscriptions.
Thankfully, my credit card company issued the fraud alert.

I cannot believe I fell for that, knowing better. A weak and curious moment. Feeling overwhelmed.

Just a PSA for my fellow caregivers, be careful during these stressful times!

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So, I just heard about the latest scam. People calling to get your bank account number to deposit the government stimulus check into your account! Beware.
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We've all been there. My nemesis was Reader's Digest, for such a huge, supposedly reputable multinational company they sure do use scummy tactics.
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Isthisrealyreal Apr 2020
And bill you every 6 months for that annual subscription. They didn't like me for not paying every single bill they sent.

I was pretty livid when I found out the gift subscriptions were renewed by myself and 3 of my loved ones. No one paid for a subscription for 5 years when I finished with them.
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Rule of thumb - If something sounds too good to be true, it generally is.
Helpful Answer (5)

Right! Never give CC info for "$1 or $5....", because you KNOW that's not really how much they're hoping to make from you. Whatever it is that you're looking for, you can find it pretty cheaply on Amazon or Ebay. If it's not on Amazon or Ebay, you probably don't need it!
Helpful Answer (4)
Sendhelp Apr 2020
Okay Gems!
I did not need or want the product, was going to give it away! My bad.
My motto is:
If you have to pay any money to get it, then it’s NOT free.
There is a special place in hell for those who scam and take advantage of others, especially senior citizens.
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
Agree. It is misleading when the product is "free", but shipping is paid. Never again.
"Clicking like a monkey" is what my husband says to me whenever I am using the computer in an unwise manner, clicking here and there, curious what this and that does.
Ending up in trouble, he rescues me.

We all know that a monkey cannot use a computer, and would just "click" anywhere on the keys, indiscriminately.

There is even a comic monkey called "Curious George".
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Dear Send,
Curious George was 1 of my favorite books growing up. I love that you shared your story. Maybe it will save another clicking monkey! Love, Boots
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
Thank you Boots!
Remember, it's NOT free if they ask you to pay shipping cost. It's NOT free if they ask for a credit card number
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Sendhelp Apr 2020
Yes, that is true!
Everyone has been so nice, after my ignorant "mistake".
Self-admonishment, self-criticism, runs rampant.
You are right. *No such thing as a free trial.***

I once fell for a similar scam. When I first began to order online, and found how “easy” it seemed to be. Got an AD for some beauty treatment that said free, but wanted my credit card #. Long story short, in extremely fine print it also signed me up to get refills ( a subscription) every month for over $200. each !
It was stressful, took some time to straighten out. I did report it as well. Learned that this is common. They’ll simply change the name of the product and move on to another scam. Be very careful. If something says “free”, beware !

No need to be embarrassed. It happens a lot, and feeling embarrassed only further fuels these crooked companies. Share the story with others in whatever way you can.

By the way, the product that came was an empty container !
Helpful Answer (3)
Sendhelp Apr 2020
Sorry that had happened to you Nancy.
The promotion said "free sample", so I was blindsided there when they did not use "Free trial".
I am reluctant to give any business my CC number no matter how legit they appear to be. When RD renewed subscriptions and/or sent me crap after I had cancelled I just ignored the reminders to pay - so sue me you @%#&!
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