
My mom lives with me. I have to work, and my job is 1 hour away. I have a family member who currently works part-time and would LOVE to help with my mom. Can she be paid to do this? My mom is not bad enough to go to a home, but needs someone here to keep her company and "watch" things.

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It should be noted that getting approved by Medicaid for home care does not mean guaranteed care. The waiting lists are very lengthy and the pay is extremely low.
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worriedinCali Aug 2019
Very few states have waiting lists for this type of program.
There may be an option for Aid and Attendance if mom or dad were veterans. Contact the VA.
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Every state has programs that will pay for caregivers. They are obviously income based and you pretty much have to be at or below the federal poverty level to qualify. If your mom cannot afford to pay a caregiver, she may be eligible for a Medicaid program or other community based program there in PA. Contact the office of aging.
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WJRigler, vast majority of family caregivers do not get paid.... unless, as Ahmijoy had mentioned, the person being cared can pay from their own retirement funds.

You could contact your State Medicaid [which is different from Medicare} to see if your Mom could qualify for Medicaid, and to see what programs are available. Some States do have funds to pay for family caregivers, usually minimum wage, for a few hours each week. Or they may have a program where they send over an Aide to help a few hours each week. It's worth a call.
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freqflyer Aug 2019
Let me add to my post. I just did some updated research regarding family members being paid via Medicaid. Some States will not pay a family member if said family member is living in the same house as the patient. Also, there are some States that will not pay a Spouse for caring for the Spouse, nor pay a person who has guardianship over a person.

It is always well worth calling your State Medicaid office to see what is available. Plus Medicaid is funded by the taxpayers, and when annual budgets roll around, some programs may be added or be cut/reduced.
The only way I am aware of that your friend could get paid is if your mother pays her from her own funds. A Caregiver Agreement would have to be drawn up. You’d have to ask and attorney or an accountant how to handle income tax and things like that. There are no agencies or state funds that will pay her. Does she work for a health care agency?
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Ahmijoy Aug 2019
My post is confusing, sorry. What I meant was that there are no agencies that will give the OP money to pay her friend to care for her mother. Her mother may qualify for aid if the income limits are met, but this is a long and tiring process (been there). If Mom does qualify, I think OP will have to go through a home health agency to obtain a caregiver. If her friend works for one, she just may be able to hire her. She’d also have to find out about 1099 filing for taxes.
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