
2 yrs ago my mother fell and broke her hip. She is now 87 and has been bedbound since falling. Over the last year she has been fighting different infections, namely chest or urine. About 3 weeks ago she had both infections at the same time and doctor suspected sepsis. My mother refused to go into hospital. She was given liquid antibiotics because she could no longer swallow medication. After a few days she could swallow again temperature came back to normal and she started to eat a small amount of food each day. This lasted for 3 days then she woke up in a lot of pain and temp was back, Doctor gave more antibiotics but she is not responding to them. It’s now Monday night and she hasn’t eaten since Friday. Doctor has her on a syringe driver and all she has done is sleep but takes sips of water when I wake her. All of a sudden she woke herself this afternoon and asked for a slice of chicken that I have cooked for tomorrow’s dinner. She ate most of one slice but then said she couldn’t eat any more. She is now reading a book which she hasn’t done for weeks. Is this a bad sign or can she actually get better from this, please can someone tell me?

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If Mom’s body is full of infection, that will kill her appetite. And sometimes the antibiotics will do the same.

I’m not sure what you mean by “a bad sign”. If Mom has regained her appetite and interest in reading,that is a good sign. Offer small meals to her whenever she wants them. Try to keep her as hydrated as possible.
Helpful Answer (2)
Misseygolightly Dec 2018
My mother is not responding to her second lot of antibiotics so they stopped them and put her on a syringe driver to ease pain. When I said is it a bad sign I meant is it just a surge she is having. 3 days ago she was having rigours temp was up she was feeling cold but sweating breathing was rapid. Couldn’t pick her head up all of a sudden eating chicken?
This could be one of two things:

One: the antibiotics and her immune system was able to fight off enough of infection to make her feel better; therefore, she could be on her way to getting better.

Two: this could be a death surge. This is were a pt is dying from cancer, infecton, massive internal bleeding and for whatever reason the pt will feel really good, in fact they will feel stronger, healthier and as if nothing is wrong. This phase will only last 2 to 4 days depending on the pt.

Do not be alarm! Your mom might have slept enough to let the antibiotics fight the infection. Keep giving her plenty of fluids and small meals. Make sure she takes the rest of her antibiotics and get plenty of rest.

Try not to worry yourself to death!

Good Luck
Helpful Answer (3)
Misseygolightly Dec 2018
Thank you Shell
It is so hard to know, I hope she is showing signs of recovery but prepare yourself if this is a final rally.... my mom had two days of remarkable clarity before she suddenly began to slip away.
Helpful Answer (4)
Misseygolightly Dec 2018
Thank you so sorry for your loss it’s hard isn’t it xx forgot to mention she has the smell on her breath like nail varnish remover
Missy, I'm so sorry you both are going through this, it is so very difficult!

My Dad went through a couple of "surges" before he passed away, the last time it happened he was in hospital being treated for pneumonia, and he went through a period of being totally unconciouce for 2 days, unable to rouse and we had the Priest in to give him The Last Rites. The next day I visited him early in the morning, and he was sitting up, drinking tea and watching the news, fully engaged with me in conversation. Unfortunately it did not last and later that same day he slipped back into deep sleep, and died that evening with his entire family there with him. I relish in that short visit we had alone together, there in the end.

The body is a mysterious thing. It works so hard to fight infections, and sometimes it just cannot recover. As others have stated, keeping her hydrated is the most important thing, but only when she is fully awake and able to swallow. You do not want her choking on fluids that can go down into her lungs, causing more lung infection and pneumonia.

Keep her comfortable, and Hugs to you for being an Amazing Caregiver! You are doing Everyrhing Right! Remember we can't keep them forever, so Love on her, and be at Peace when it is her time to go.

Merry Christmas and Peace be with you!
Helpful Answer (2)
Misseygolightly Dec 2018
Thank you so much xxx
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