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Assisted Living is more your style I would think. I looked into one for my mom, but she was beyond going to one of those. In these it's more like a Senior which you can still move around and don't need medical help.
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Have you considered government subsidized senior housing apartments? The rent is low (you must qualify) and they are nice. Then you could get a job at an assisted living center or volunteer. The reason I say this is that assited living centers cost a lot (2,100 - 3,000 in our area.)
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On your profile it says you're taking care of your mother in your home. Is she the reason why you'd be willing to move into asst living at such a young age? I'm pushing 60 myself, and while there are some retirement places that are really nice and I wouldn't mind, there is NO way I would go to asst living before I had to.
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That would depend on the facility. AL is an expensive route for you if you don't need the help. A retirement place that can transiton to AL could make sense. Your vounteering would be welcome at many, many facilities - you don't have to live there. Go for it!
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There are places now that have three levels independent, AL and NH all in one place this is getting to be more common.
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Is anyone familiar with Assisted Living housing in the Torrance area of California? If so, would you let me know your experience? I am concerned with how much this is going to cost....thank you.
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I'm puzzled. If you're already caring for your mom, why would you want to care for everyone else?
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Where are you?
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