
My mother is currently in Assisted Living and has been about 3 months now. I had to have her placed there after she sent over $80,000 to an overseas scammer who she thinks is in love with her. Even after taking Guardianship and shutting down all of her accounts, she sold about 90% of her furniture to continue to send the scammer money in hopes that he would come for her to marry her. She has been diagnosed with Frontal Lobe type Dementia and Delusional Disorder. The past 2 1/2 years have been a horrible ordeal with her anger toward me for taking away her access to money and eventually having her placed in Assisted Living. She continues to try every way imaginable to get a phone so she can get in touch with the scammer.

On my last visit last Tuesday, she mentioned that her depression meds were switched from Effexor to Cymbalta in July 2017. The first scammer episode occurred in August 2017 and she is now saying that she wants to talk to the psychiatric to see if the change in medicine could have caused her behavior. I personally think this is just another ploy by my mother and try to get out of Assisted Living and be able to get in touch with her scammer. Has anyone heard of a switch to Cymbalta causing Delusion behavior? Or am I overthinking this, and it's just my Mother's Dementia/Delusional Disorder talking? Thanks!

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Talk to her doctor and inquire about it. Hope you find a solution.
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Here is what I found.
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