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Yes, the administration of the facility in question.
This is a matter of management, of staffing issues, and of reporting accuracies.
Is there any sort of camera in the room of the individual you are asking about?
Are you certain that Assisted Living is still the choice for this particular elder? Is he or she incapable of moving about to seek help if no call button is answered? That is to say is this individual now too helpless to be in an assisted living situation where usually it is accepted that the person can move about to seek help?
I wish you the best. Speak with the administration. I hope you get answers that satisfy you.
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My mom complains .. I pushed the button X number of times no one came…
Well, mom , did you wait in between…no,

my mom expects someone immediately… not going to happen.. staff needs cloned .. what’s the care ratio where your loved one is ? I have just found most every time my mom complains , her expectation is too high. If you think your loved one is not getting the proper care speak to the administrator.

I try to get my mom to ask for whatever else she needs when staff has been in to help her.
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Because our senior LOs can develop short-term memory issues at any time, I would go visit her and then push the button and see what happens. I'd do this on more than one visit. You can deal with it depending on what you discover.
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Blue85, it can depend on what the Staff is doing at the time the call button is pushed. It's like a hospital triage system, those that have medical emergencies will be tended to first.

And it can depend on what shift this is happening. In the evening there is usually less Staff. I remember one evening I was visiting my Mom and we were sitting in the dining room. The Staff was trying to get the east wing residents ready for bed, thus work their way down the hall to the west wing.

Sure enough, some residents who were already for bed started to wander out in the hall. People in pj's going every which way, thus it was like herding cats for the Staff. I can see where a call button may be missed.

My Dad had an emergency alert pendant, so when he fell he would push the button on the pendant. Dad said it was hours before anyone arrived, but in reality a Staff person was there within minutes. It may have been a wait for a second Staff person to arrive to have 2 people lift Dad up.
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You're leaving out all the details here! Does the staff NEVER respond at ALL? Does it take the staff 10 minutes to respond? 20 minutes, an hour? Is the 'someone' you care for in AL or Memory Care?

The 'someone' you are caring for is suffering from dementia/Alzheimer's, per your profile, which means everything said MUST be fact checked even more so than would be done for an elder w/o dementia/Alzheimer's. I found my mother was telling wild stories 90% of the time when she told me things that were going on in her Memory Care ALF. Be careful what you believe until it's thoroughly fact checked.

And you may want to write a question that's a bit longer than just a title in order to get comments that address the actual problem.
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