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Medicare never pays for longterm care. If the principle has run out of money, then Medicaid is applied for. Even children are not responsible for parents.
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KPWCSC Jul 2022
While Medicare does not pay for LTC, it does pay for LTC facilities for rehab, etc. under the right conditions. It appears that is what the OP is referring to.
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The POA is not financially responsible unless s/he signs with their own name as "financially responsible".

Sign nothing you don't understand.
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Whenever signing anything sign the patient's name "by Jane Doe, POA for patient's name"

Then, you are not held personally responsible for the patient's bill.

If you signed your own name contact an attorney to see if there is a way out.
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As long as you did not personally sign as being responsible. You have to make sure to sign everything as POA so that they cannot come after you personally.
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If the POA signed as POA only then the POA is not responsible for the bills, but the RESIDENT IS. So the POA will have to use the elder's funds to pay for the elder's bills. As POA.
As far as filial law it has somewhat passed into myth at this point. I have never witnessed it used other than in the VERY RARE news article where a child was forced to help with care if that child is quite wealthy. And as I said. RARE. Rare as hen's teeth.
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No! The POA is acting on the behalf of person he/she is POA for. Never sign any document that implies you personally accept responsibility for financial arrangements made on behalf of another. Always sign as POA. Ask a local lawyer what is the proper way to sign that shows you are POA and not personally responsible. Always pay any bills as POA from the funds of the person you are POA for. Never pay from your own funds (even if you reimburse yourself later) since it implies you have accepted financial responsibility.
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Filial laws are not enforced except potentially in extreme situations. By that I mean potentially if children are very wealthy, but if children were wealthy they would likely pay anyway
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It may be necessary to draw down or sell assets to pay for the facility. If the principle cannot afford to pay for the facility they are in, and family members will not contribute to pay for it, the POA should look for a facility that the principle can afford. The principle should apply for Medicaid if needed. Consult with an attorney who specializes in elder law.
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Do not sign any personal guarantees. (They push you to do this).
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Is this a rehab stay after a qualifying hospital stay of three nights? Medicare will pay for 21 days, then maybe a portion up to 100 days. Medicare never pays for long term care.

POA if admit forms are not signed correctly can be held responsible for the cost.
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