
Brother is not acting in the best interest of my mother who is suffering Alzheimer's.

He doesn’t allow her family visits or access to her daughter and grandchildren.

Mum lies in bed, in a crib, looking at the ceiling with no stimulation, no pictures, no music, no love or caring family to alleviate her symptoms.

We are locked out of our family home. He has cctv everywhere and is paranoid, mother was recorded by Social Services requesting visits from myself and family.

No communication from him on any level when asking for a visit.

Caregivers attend to her needs daily.

2 safe guarding issues raised previously I've been told to get a solicitor nobody is interested.

This has been going on since 2015 he is controlling and contrived.

I need visitation rights. He removed me from Dr's notes.

He changed locks, put up fences, changed the will and got POA/POF with no correspondence to family.

He went bankrupt due to alcoholism and moved back into the family home and is biding his time!

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Will Social Services not remove her?

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Your options are either to try to get guardianship, or to possibly call APS and see if they can investigate and see if any abuse is going on. The problems are guardianship costs a lot of money, as does hiring a lawyer to help you, and if you call APS, it is unclear how far they will get or what the outcome may be. If brother is good at creating a good show, the investigation may go nowhere.

Or you can try to reconcile and play nice with brother in order to visit mom.
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