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Brianna - why don't you stop paying rent? What will they do/how will they care for your mother without you? You MUST find a way to change this hellish situation that you and your 2 children are in.
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My kids are treated very well, its just me. And i dont want my mom to suffer, its worth the time i get with her
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You are a great daughter and Mom to your kids. Have you mentioned to your mom or your dad how these words hurt you ?
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Yes, my mom understands and is always apologizing but my dad doesnt listen
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Then tune him out, ignore him when ever possible.
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I try, I never say anything back I just roll with it
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That's the best way to respond, good for you
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Brianna, what a great job you have already done by getting and staying clean!!! I have a family member on that road and it's harder than many want to accept, so KUDOS to you. I agree with the others, make a list up and start assigning names to it...if you want have people pick the chores they are willing to do, the rest assign them equally around and make them accountable! Then get every one to sign on for what is the response when they don't do the chore they sign up for....for the kids it may be no video games etc. In a family everyone must help to their ability...even the younger ones. I was 7 when my mom fell and hurt her back and I cooked for the whole family and my brother 11 did all the laundry and the vacuuming....even if it's just dusting, everyone should pull together. Blessings to you, Lindaz
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Thank you ☺ my kids are too young my daughter is 5 and my son is 4 and he has cerebral palsy, my dad and brothers excuse is they work and I don't so it is what it is. It's hard, especially emotionally knowing my mom hasn't much time left
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Brianna24 you must get on a routine and schedule that makes everyone happy. If you have to do something that makes someone else happy to get a favor in return that might work. What can you do to get a favor in return that doesn't exhaust you so much. Can you take on getting their groceries, etc. What do they need that will give you a break?
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Are you kidding, I don't understand how you can write this to this young mother doing the best she can! And none of it makes sense any way!! Did you reread your post before posting it??
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Here is a list of my daily routine
Moms medicine
Sons medicine
Moms coffee
My coffee
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My daughters milk
Kids cereal
Make my dad's lunch
Take kids to school
Clean up the kitchen bathroom living room
Kids room dads room
Afternoon: mom's medication
Make mom and I lunch
Laundry (everyone's)
Put groceries away
Pick daughter up
Start dinner
Pick son up
Feed them
Clean up again
Dads and bros dinner
Clean up
Night: moms medicine
Sons medicine
Giv mom bath
Kids bath
Get everyone settld for bed
And sleep till 5am when the cycle starts again.
Not to mention my pup and birds I deal with too, idk what else I could possibly do
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How many people and ages make up your household? I you tried churches. Sometimes churches have volunteers that are willing to lend a helping hand or maybe social service agencies have ideas . Keep your options open and you have to always find the best in everything and keep smiling above all.😀 You are Outstanding 🏆
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Typo I is have.
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It's hard and I know exactly how you feel. I'm a single mom with 3 kids and I'm taking care of my 88 year old grandfather. I was taking care of both my grand parents but my grandma went to the hospital and came home on hospice and past away a few weeks later. I found her in her room and I wake up everyday not knowing if I'll find my grandpa the same way. I run a business out of the house and I'm trying to go to school that way when my grandpa does pass I can try to get a decent job. I'm thankful that mygrandpa isn't in a lot of pain but I do have to watch him suffer everyday just being in the house. He was always independent and loved the outdoors. His memory is fading so when he asks me daily why he is here and why can't he go somewhere it's painful emotionally. I'm supposed to be the strong one to and I hated crying in front of anyone but it was happening so often that I couldn't hide in my room that much. I just cried whenever I needed to. If the kids asked I was just honest with them and said mom has a lot of things she is dealing with right now and it's a little hard for mommy. I tell them it's ok to cry when we are sad, angry mad etc... That it's a way for our bodies to help with our emotions. And then I try to destruct myself with something like a walk out take the kids for a bike ride or color. It is hard and I know it will only get harder till it's over. And then a new journey will begin with its own kind of trial but showing your kids to be caring compassionate people who are capable of showing there feeling is priceless. It's good to vent. Hope this helps.
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Try to figure out how to love what you do and you do because they are your loved ones and without you where would they be. My Mom is 88 and my sister put her in a nursing center in s corner bed with two roommates and won't allow me to try to care for her. I look at you as blessed and a blessing to your family household. I'm 54 and never used drugs in my life but my sister POA still denies me my Mom and in home care. You are blessed in your own family household. There are many that wish they had a household and someone to care for them. Thank God you can keep them out of an understaffed and underpaid nursing center .
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Yes, I worked in a nursing home for hospice before and told myself I'd never have my mom there, I actually quit and reported abuse on the place I was at because they're aweful and treat them so terribly, heartbreaking
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