
Nystatin keeps it from spreading or worsening but it's still there after a year. It was a serious case; now it's a daily annoyance for her. Any suggestions? The web is not very helpful on this, and I want to make her more comfortable. She is 70 and in otherwise rather good health.

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I have had an aide tell me that Almay deoderant is good for minor rashes and red areas, like the tummy flaps.

I used Desatine when my Mom just hadredness. I know, itsca barrier cream but it cleared up my Mom.
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I have very large breasts and find that the most effective and least expensive option is to keep some white vinegar in the bathroom. At least 2x and day I pour some onto a make up pad and wet the area under my best.

Yeast/fungus cannot survive in an acidic environment.

It does not sting and I do not smell like vinegar. I also wash my bras after each wearing.
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My mom constantly battles rashes beneath her breasts and tummy flap.
When her skin is irritated her doctor prescribed this
KETOCONAZOLE 2% CREAM-fungal cream as needed for rashes. 
We also use
Gold Bond Ultimate Comfort Body Powder Aloe, White Fresh, 10 Ounce

Its an everyday battle and sponge bathing, patting dry twice a day.
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Bridger46146 Oct 2021
Get a prescription for ketoconazole shampoo - use every 3 days to wash under her breasts.
Jock itch spray works as well. Plus it’s less expensive.
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JoAnn29 Oct 2021
That probably has a fungal ingredient in it. Good idea.
My doctor assigned the vaginal cream for mine and it took about 10 days to disappear. Then I was told to wear only cotton bras from then on.
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See a dermatologist. Mine prescribes an mix of prescription-strength antifungal and hydrocortisone creams.

Drying the area with a hair dryer set to cool is also recommended.
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JoAnn29 Sep 2021
Hairdryer good idea. GF was recommended this to help with vagina yeast indection.
My mom kept getting those, and we got the home vaginal yeast infection kit with the cream and applied that. We also found athlete's foot treatments to be helpful.
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JoAnn29 Sep 2021
The athletes foot treatment makes sense since they are both fungal.
My Mom had this problem. Easier to prevent than clear up. Mom always got something from her doctor.

With My Mom, she had to wear a bra to keep skin off of skin. She wore cotton cup ones. May have had some polyester but breathable. The area has to be kept dry. Antibiotics cause yeast infections. Maybe try a probiotic. Mom was always given one when on an antibiotic for UTI. Yeast infections feed off of sugar so limit her intake.
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Get her PCP to prescribe Ketoconzole shampoo. Wash the area with this shampoo twice a day and continue the Nystatin powder. Do not use any petroleum based products on the area. This will not kill the yeast and will actually act as a barrier to hold the yeast close to the skin. If it continues, she may need an oral medication such as fluconazole. After it clears up use the shampoo every 3 or 4 days.
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