
Colorado, Georgia and California apparently have experienced individuals pretending to be police officers, stopping people for alleged violation of stay at home orders.

Article indicates that flashers are on in these fakers' cars, and advises someone who is stopped and is suspicious to call 911 to verify the legitimacy of the alleged officer.

This is unsettling: fake officers "funneled" drivers into a corral. Drivers were then questioned by men in black, unmarked uniforms. Apparently they didn't go beyond lecturing, but the fact that drivers were corralled like animals is frightening.

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In the early 2000s there was a man who purchased a retired police car at auction and dressed in what appeared to be a police officer uniform started stopping women after dark along I-40 out of Knoxville, taking them into custody and raping them before releasing them along a side road. Those days ended my stopping along any roadway at night for any reason. I call 911 and confirm there's a real LEO making a real stop. One deputy sheriff followed me almost 5 miles down a rural state highway until we got to a brightly lighted area with an overnight market where I would pull over. I turned on my blinkers and reduced my speed to acknowledge his lights, but didn't stop until we were in a safe area where I could see him and he could see me better too. I've never had an LEO upset with me for picking a safer place to pullover or calling in to confirm the stop.

ReallyReal, I was kind of joking about the hair spray, although years ago we were advised to carry it for protection against assaults, but that was before assault weapons were so widely used by criminals.

Good idea about the wasp spray.  I'll get some next time I go shopping.

GA, we were in our own industrial facility.

They had 45 caliber hand guns and automatic assault rifles.

It is dirt bags that are in this country illegally and feel entitled to take what others work hard for.

I promise you that you would not spray hairspray at someone that has a 45 pointed at your face. When you have no chance of getting away you make decisions about surviving the ordeal. Nothing else registers.

It happens every in this country and the police and media hide it because they don't want people having facts about illegal immigrants and their activities that put lives in danger. People would have to admit that protecting our borders is a good idea for all our safety.

If you are going to carry a spray for protection can I recommend that you carry wasp spray. It it able to spray more directly and at a further distance. It will stop the attacker before they are close enough to take your weapon (hairspray - wasp spray).

Lealonnie, I've heard of similar incidents...citizen wannabe police take matters into their own hands.

One of the worst I've read about was some people who attacked a nurse.   I believe this was not in the US; it was too upsetting to read or bookmark the report.   I don't understand how anyone can know how much medical professionals are exhausting all their resources trying to save people, and yet some idiot is angry at them.

It's also interesting that we seniors are offered special times, but someone has to make an issue of it.   

MysteryShopper, I wasn't aware that those being cited are "ne-er do wells" but it doesn't surprise me.  The rest of us are making tremendous personal and legal rights sacrifices, so it does kind of make sense that someone who's not a good citizen in the first place would be noncompliant.

The "senior shopper" scuffle reflects to me how high emotions and fear are influencing people.    I understand, but courtesy has to be a part of interaction, and unfortunately, there's probably some much fear that it's being lost as people overreact.

ReallyReal, that's REALLY frightening (no pun intended).   Were you in your car, around a store, or where?    Was this during the day?    You wrote "big guns" - were these assault weapons?   

I would agree that this goes beyond a larceny charge.     And I think the "big guns" probably would add a higher level of charge if the police catch them.   Sounds like a gang effort.    Maybe they've expanded their territory?

Was this in a residential or commercial area?    Have there been incidents like this before?    Unfortunately, there are people who are going to ignore the stay at home mandates but also people who will capitalize on it, beyond getting drunk and harrassing others.

I guess besides hand sanitizer and wipes I'll start carrying a small vial of hair spray to use if anyone tries to rob me, but an assault weapon would probably cause me to just freeze in my tracks.

Sometimes elements of the human race can be so disgusting. 

Stay safe, everyone.

We were robbed at gun point by 4 Mexicans dressed as police, more undercover type clothing, police hat, kevlar vests and big guns.

Pretending to be police is easy when you can buy gear that resembles the gear cops wear.

I think that they should be prosecuted for domestic terrorism.

Mysteryshopper....yep. I heard someone griping on social media about a shopper not being old enough to be at the store during senior hour. Hey, I'm 63 and look 50 so I may be getting that same treatment if I go on Friday.....just kidding 🤣 Besides, senior hour is also for high risk health issues so nobody should be judging. Nerves are running high lately, that's for sure. But I think we ARE doing a good job social distancing since we've flattened the curve

Two ladies really got into it during senior shopping hour at a local grocery store. It was because one leaned too close to the other trying to reach something from the freezer case and did not maintain distance. One then accused the other of not being old enough to be in there for senior shopping and it went on and on. Either one or both of them could have opted for curbside pickup or even delivery if their emotions are too raw to be in a store or if their health doesn't tolerate shopping right now. Overall, I think people are doing a great job distancing.

Thanks for posting this. Crazy. In my area, it seems like the people who are getting charged with violating the stay at home order are people who also have committed another crime or who are suspected of another crime. For example, shoplifters, drunk and disorderlies, etc are caught for whatever they were doing and are then also charged with violating the stay at home order. So, particularly if someone stops you and you are as sure as you can be that you committed no offense (other than being out for no good reason), I'd say to proceed with extreme caution for sure. This scares me.

Pointless.......people looking to play policemen for a day, I guess. I have a friend who went to Walmart and apparently wasn't standing far 'enough' away from the person in front of her in line, so a vigilante 'do-gooder' decided to make a huge scene by screaming & yelling, threatening to make a 'citizen's arrest' if she didn't back up and put more space between herself and her line mate!

It always amazes me how there are people out to get noticed during a crisis. Whether they're hoarding masks and price gouging on eBay, or stopping motorists pretending to be cops, or issuing citizens arrests in Wal-Mart, don't discount someone's desire for their 15 minutes of fame or power, I guess.

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