
As you know, I posted about mom wanting to go to Christmas Eve and Day gathering with 10 people total (same people both days). We all have antibodies but mom is 89 with comorbid health issues - she has been quarantined for 9 months since returning from covid hospital stay. She has been insisting on going and fighting with me for 1 week(her mental decline is obvious to me and its been hard to deal with).....i finally relented and said OK but then changed my mind and said "its not safe" etc.....its her safety not others that worried me since she is compromised and others are in their 40s and healthy(and everyone was getting tested if mom came).....So as we sat home Christmas Eve afternoon, my cousin who was having the Christmas Eve dinner texted that his son felt unwell that tested at 2pm right before urgent care closed and he tested POSITIVE! In 2 hours, 8 other people would have arrived and they would have all gotten sick. Close Call. If Christmas Eve was day prior - he would have been asymptomatic and the party would have been held and covid would have spread......stay home, save lives.

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You made the right call!!! Glad you all are safe. Good lesson,

What a close call that was! Merry Christmas!

You did the right thing. Merry Christmas!

Good for you, you made the right call. I'm the primary caretaker of two parents right now and I've completely shut down my social life to avoid unnecessary risk and harm to either of them. Continue keeping your household safe!

GOOD ON YOU!!!! IT’S JUST AMAZING that people DON’T GET THIS until they or someone they love are sick.
Keep up the GOOD WORK!

I know you struggled with your decision, but good for you for standing strong.

I hope your cousin's son has a mild case of Covid and the rest of your family is healthy over the holiday season.

Profound, and helpful to those who will listen!

The two of us in my home are staying home, have been staying home, and will be staying home. I don't think it will be forever, so I am better able to do it this way for now, leaving my emotions out of it.

Pat yourself on the back, Mhillwt!

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