
I bought seven different essential oils today and three aromatherapy diffusers after reading this new, very interesting & very promising research: Aromas while sleeping boost cognitive capacity. “When a fragrance wafted through the bedrooms of older adults for two hours every night for six months, memories skyrocketed. Participants in this study by University of California, Irvine neuroscientists reaped a 226% increase in cognitive capacity compared to the control group. The researchers say the finding transforms the long-known tie between smell and memory into an easy, non-invasive technique for strengthening memory and potentially deterring dementia.”
The team's study appears in Frontiers in Neuroscience. (Link to the open access study:

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Interesting! Thank you for sharing.

Have you experimented with this for your husband? If so, share your experience.

I am skeptical. There are so many different claims about essential oils, supplements, etc.

I think there has to be long term studies to prove whether something is valid or a false promise of something that could potentially be helpful.

I am always open to learning more. Years ago people didn’t take yoga or meditation seriously. They have been proven to be effective for many of us. Same thing applies to music and art therapy.

It’s trial and error. Every person has individual experiences in their own dementia journey.

When a person has Alzheimer’s, amyloid plaques form in the brain. That’s why the brain no longer works as well.

Once that happens, essential oils can’t stop the problem. Nothing can so far. But they’d make the house smell nice.

That’s interesting.. my daughter got COVID at the beginning of that whole thing. She lost taste and smell.. she couldn’t eat meat for over a year.but tests were being done about the affects of COVID in regards to olfactory smells and tastes.. (they go hand n hand) and the affects it had on the brain..
theyvhave diffusers fir cats to calm them.. pheromones to keep cats calm and less stress..

Amyloid plaque.. is someone testing a new drug that attacks and breaks up this plaque? I thought I heard something about this and they’re testing it

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