
I can't believe I'm typing this and that the nightmare is over for now.

I could not have travelled this horrible caregiving journey without all your support. All of you who replied to my questions were a beacon of light in this seemingly never-ending gloom. You all were my safe space and I could trust you to come up with creative solutions and thoughtful answers.

Mom was on home hospice. In the end, when mom passed, it was so unreal & so unexpected. She had her coffee, Ensure like everyday, and then suddenly she made a strange sound, her head rolled to one side - I panicked and called both hospice and 911. Hospice nurse took long time in coming today but EMTs came right away and certified her passing and then hospice took over later.

My in-laws are with me in good health and I'm hoping no more caregiving for some time.

Thank you, dear forumers, from the bottom of my heart and I will keep sending out strength vibes to all you warriors out there

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Oh wearynow, I am so sorry for your loss.

Your mom was very blessed to have you and your family to fill the gap for her.

May The Lord give you strength, peace and grieving mercies for this new season in your life.

Well done dear weary. Wishing you many days of peace and rest. You had she such a difficult situation and saw it through. Big hugs.

So very sorry. I’m glad it’s over for you.

Wow, did she die sitting up? Hang in there, I’m sure you will miss who your move was and I’m glad for that this part is now over. HUGS

So sorry for your loss . Take care of you , let yourself grieve and heal .

Wishing you peace as you grieve the loss of your mom.

I’m sorry for your loss and for the long, road you’ve walked with your mother. I cared for my dad on home hospice and was there when he passed, it’s definitely a unique and hard to express feeling to witness. I wish you healing and peace

Sending kindness to you during your mourning. May she rest in peace and may her memory be a blessing.

I am sorry for your loss Wearynow.

It must feel sureal indeed. Even typing it here, adding that EOL tag 😥

The word you used that jumped out was *peacefully*.

May that feeling of peacefullness, of the natural conclusion prevail over the next days of planning, organising & busyness.


What a blessing that your mom was able to die peacefully and that you were there with her.
I hope and pray that you'll now take time to take good care of yourself and find joy, peace and rest along the next journey of your life.
You did a great job caring for your mom, so please don't waste your time with any of the would haves, could haves or should haves, as you did the very best you could . Please don't forget that.
May God bless you and keep you.

Weary, I am sad for your loss but glad your mom is at peace.


OMG, so sudden. It was that sudden for my Dad, Weary. Just this sound, not even an "ouch". And gone. Please stay on Forum with us and help others. I send you my condolences and I am glad you never have to fear any suffering for your Mom again. I felt nothing so much as relief that my dear Dad didn't have to face down more losses and fears, and that I didn't have to constantly worry for him any more. I am glad you can feel the relief for your Mom and yourself. You know all you did for her.

I am so sorry for your loss, Weary. Like Way said, allow yourself time and space to mourn the loss of your mother, and to heal. Prayers for you.

I'm sorry for your loss. 🤗

My Condolences.
I am glad that she got to pass at home in peace.

I am so sorry for your loss. You have been thru so much. Know that what you did for Mom was enough. Never feel any guilt. You were there when she needed you.

So, where is brother in all this?


My condolences on the loss of your mom weary. It's shocking to lose someone so quickly but on the other hand, it's a blessing she went so fast and peacefully. Sending you a hug and a prayer for peace today.

Replying privately to you.

Thank you all so much for your kind words of support & comfort - they mean a great deal to me. I will do my best to be on this forum and share my experiences - I want to say more but I'm too tired after the cremation today and just at a loss for words. I hope you all get to enjoy July4th with your loved ones in whatever way works for you and the burden of caregiving becomes less somehow

Please accept my deepest condolences for your loss.

Hope you can give yourself time to rest and take each day as it comes.

Thanks....It's all so depressing still.

Oh, wearynow, I am so sorry and offer my deepest condolences. Thank you for informing us. May sweet memories of your mother bring you comfort.

Deepest condolences.
In real life, one's passing is rarely as grand and ceremonious as it appears in movies.
I'm sorry that you had to see your mother's head swerve like that.

Rest assured you gave her your best, and she knows that too.

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