
My mom recently started dialysis and _every_ time we've gone we've been inconvenienced or even HINDERED by some medical transport car. This morning while I was waiting for my mom to finish her treatment, one transporter parked his car IN THE LANE and came inside. Do they hire the most entitled and rude people possible?? I had to ask the guy THREE times to move his car so I could pull my car in and help my frail, elderly mother just out of dialysis to the car. Then as I was trying to leave the parking lot another transport car was just sitting in the parking lot blocking the way out. That one eventually pulled into a space to let me and a car coming the other direction to pass, but what sort of person just blocks other people trying to drop off/pick up patients? Come on people, you can park in a space and wait/go inside like the rest of us! On other mornings I've been behind a transporter in the drop off lane who took their sweet time moving while other people are trying to get their loved ones in/out of the car. The patient was either in the car or in the building and they wouldn't move; I'm thinking they're doing paperwork/ calling dispatch--something where they could pull out of the lane and into a parking space to do. I would never think of just parking in the lane and going inside to wait. How are these people not infuriating each other?

I realize they provide a valuable service but other people are trying to get patients in and out of the building. I called the company of the guy who was literally parked in the lane today and complained, but these people are seriously starting to rile me up.

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Yes, I think this is very common. My MIL’s dialysis facility had two lanes - one for transport ambulances and one for personal vehicles. No parking anywhere nearby except for three handicap spots that were always occupied. There was always a traffic jam. You may ask the facility if they have a solution. Ours had a security guard who helped direct traffic. I will also encourage you to be patient. Toward the end, *I* joined the ranks of those who had to park and run in quickly to deliver or retrieve a patient.

Complain to someone inside. Once the transport gets the person inside, someone else takes the person to ER or wherever they r going. I have taken Mom to the ER. Have to leave her in the admittance area and go move my car.

There was no "run in quickly* about it. His client wasn't finished with treatment and out in the waiting area so he parked his car and came inside to wait...exactly what I did EXCEPT I parked in a SPACE which there are plenty of and close by and he parked in the dropoff lane. We're talking a difference of 50 feet or so, not across a hospital parking lot. And these aren't ambulances, these are medical transports which just take people to appointments and back home. My mom was out before his client and he didn't go move his car. I had to ask him 3 times to move his car out of the drive through lane.

Running in quickly isn't an issue--it's the fact that he parked in the drop off lane and came inside instead of parking in a parking spot and then wouldn't move when I needed to get the car for my mom that's the issue that's making me furious. It's also them just sitting in the lane after dropping someone off and picking them up that's irritating too because it seems like they're doing paperwork, calling dispatch or something that doesn't necessitate them being in the drop off lane. They can go find a parking space like everyone else!

This is a dialysis unit and not an ER so they know that many people are going to show up around the same time and many of them are going to need the drop off lane. Yeah, it sucks for someone to park in the ER lane but I've never had an issue with that because most people seem generally courteous; they get the patient inside and move their cars, but these medical transport car drivers don't seem to care that lots of people are needing to use the lane or even drive in the parking lot.

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