
Hi Everyone it’s Max. I’m in a hotel in South Carolina. Mom said she misses me and loves me. She was not upset on the phone. It made me feel so good. I’m happy they are alone together, even though it’s probably quiet. My mom was sleeping when we left, so it was so easy to leave. I do love her, but she can be so annoying at times, and I know she feels the same way about me. The only difference is that I can admit that I have faults, she will never do that. Anyway, we’re back to our normal life with our dear puppy. Can’t wait to see my condo - my home! Thank you again for checking on me today! Max (I love ancient history) Named my other Papillon Lucius Maximus Senaca) My new puppy is Romeo.

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Guess ur home by now. Stay there ! Dad will just have to deal with his problem. Mom will be OK. May take her longer to get things done but I am sure they will get done. Time for husband time. Make sure he knows you appreciate him for all he does for you. Do not give Mom a time you will be returning. Be vague. When she complains she needs help, tell her to hire someone. If no money, call Medicaid or Office of Aging. Give them no more money than you have already. There is help for them out there. I live 2 hrs north of DC and did that Fla thing for 23 yrs. First 1x a year and then 2x when the kids were grown. Longgggg trip.

Great news from you Max.
Should Romeo not be subtitled Romulus?
Take good care.

Safe travels.

Safe travels, Max. Enjoy being home and your new pooch! Romeo is a cute name. Don’t be a stranger.

Well done for leaving!
Keep breathing.
Keep driving.
Once home, take the time needed to settle & reflect.

Hi Max - thanks for the update. Glad you got away well. Enjoy your home. Make longer time between visits, less time with the parents. It gives them too a chance to develop other relationships and interests and prepares them for your eventual retirement in Spain without them. It will lessen their focus on you. Keep lengthening the apron strings. Both you and your parents will be better off for that. Mother would never admit fault either - it was always someone else. You have interesting names for your pets!

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