
Hi Everyone,

Freqflyer start this post about 5 years ago. The topic was closed so decided to start it again as it seemed like a light hearted way for everyone to get to know each other. I will go first....

My screen name Dusti22 is my nickname plus numbers. I got my nickname the first time I rode a cutting horse. He went one way and I went the other. (Never happened again as I was ready the next time.) Anyway I came up looking like a dust ball and my nickname, Dusti, stuck. My real name is Shannon.

Y'all have a great day!

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BarbBrooklyn here....My name is Barbara, and I live in Brooklyn. My previous screen name was Babalou, which was a combo of my first and middle names.

Mine is my real first name and the initial of my last name, both my married and maiden names. My Mom also had the same last initiial both married and maiden names, and when I got married, she told me a little old saying;

Change the Name
Not the Letter
Marry for Worse
NOT for Better

Lol, I have Never forgotten that little ditty, but my marriage is going Strong, now 33 later! We've been through the ringer, taking care of our parents, but have come out the other side, stronger for it! I hope you all survive your Caregivers journey too!

Stacey if you'll forgive me in Wales that rhyme would make a certain amount of sense genetically. I'm not being rude! - but when you have small, comparatively isolated communities and a choice of Jones, Evans or Williams J Williams JJ Williams JPR...

I think nowadays there's quite a lot more eligible chaps to choose from, even in Builth Wells.

My screen name is my collie dog’s name + his birthday.
My boy passed away last June - he was almost 13- but I have been using his name as my passwords in some variation for years.
Shane, I miss you!

Only a handful of people have called me Lizzy in my life. My real name is Elizabeth.

Lizzywho came about when the newer version of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas “ was made. The characters are the Whos from Whoville. Hubby and Kids labeled me a Who. Lizzywho.

The 61 is the year I was born.

After lurking here for a long time I saw a post I just HAD to comment on. When I signed in of course I was asked for a screen name and I went Da**! ah, hm, ohhh, duh? And I typed in the first thing that popped into my head, a combo if my first initial and a seldom used nickname from my last. Some people have great screen names and vanity plates, I'm not that clever ;P

I'm "surprise" because I've thrown some great surprise parties over the years and have an awesome email address with the word surprise in it.

The arrival of mthr was a huge surprise. She's been a horrible person all her life, and the me who walked away from her abuse in 1993 would have been totally surprised that I took charge of her 20 years later. We were on and off there for awhile, and I gave her the choice to play nice or go away 8 years before Adult Protective Services called me. What a surprise!

My screen name was my function for a long defunct company and used to post when I found out MIL and best friend stalked me online looking for negative comments. They were r I g h t....

The "freqflyer" screen name was born back 20 years ago when I was flying between Washington DC area and Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Did that for a few years.

I first used "freqflyer" when I was on political forums and kept using the screen name there after on other forums. Loved the debates !! Had to give up the forums as no one wanted to point-countpoint debates any more, instead they rather throw out insults and bully others. Who needs that :P

Now a days, you can't get me onto a plane. Taking care of my folks had given me major panic attacks to a point I don't want to be away from home for more than a couple of hours :((

I own a black labrador retriever. Love the breed. Also own a mixed lab retriever.

wally is my cat. I had two cats already when we rescued him from a Walgreens parking lot.
so once we brought him home, he became #3

Wally, that is so neat how you named the cats Wally :))

“Ahmi” is the name my grandsons concocted for me and Joy is my first name. I used to be on this site as “Hugemom” but somehow accidentally deleted my account. That name came from my daughter who was about 7 when she got very angry with me once and called me her “huge mom”.

This is fascinating. Dusti, thanks for starting this thread!

Ha, mine was how I was feeling at the moment this site asked me for a screen name. Literally right off the top of my head. I'm a mama of 4, with 3 kids still at home, and with mom here was feeling frazzled and at my wits' end. It might as well have been Facebook asking, "What's on your mind?" Lol

Love reading the stories of people's screen names here. Yes, thank you Dusti for starting this thread!

Mine's a mistake. Don McLean's song "This is life, this is prime time, this is living in the USA" was buzzing in my head but instead of "prime time" I entered "realtime." But it works for me --- maybe even better. Things happen in real time, not on a delay. My name is really Caroline.

My screen name came about through a lot of things.

I am a 'glass half full' type of girl
I am internet security phobic
I love our planet and its animals and insects (except spiders - they are my phobia - lol
I used to be really really busy, with work, family, friends, animals and underdogs.
Thus was born Buzzy - from buzzing around
The Bee then followed naturally.

(Smiley face)

Thanks y'all. Love the comments and the way everyone has come up with their screen names. Thought it might be fun and interesting for everyone, after reading freqflyer's original thread, to start the thread back up again. It also gives us a chance to get to know each other. Hope we can keep this thread going.

My only child, my son - has sever Autism. Over the years I’ve called him my own little Rainman. You know, like the movie. Me, being his mom - I guess that makes me Rainmom. Plus, Ive always been into movies - even as a child when they were my only escape from my dysfunctional parents and home life.

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"
Then I said, "Here I am Lord, Send me.."

Isaiah 6:8 NASB

Rainspouse here. lol.

I love reading all these posts.

Mine was because I enjoy reading.

Some 25 years ago my friend and I used to call ourselves Mabel and Madge - I think I joined A/C shortly after she passed much too soon

Although my Irish dad wanted to name me after Maureen O'Hara, the Viking insisted on a name of Scandinavian origin

From the time I was pre-school, I loved going to the library to look at pictures in the books. I remembered making up stories to match the pictures. … By middle school, I was trying to read all the books in the library. In high school, I read all the books in our small library (westerns, sci-fi, romance, mystery, horror, autobiography, biography, UFO's, Bermuda Triangles, etc...) I skipped lunch so that I can use my lunch money to buy used books at the flea market. Once I had a job, when I used to order brand new hard cover books, after I was done reading it, I would donate it to our local library- so that others can enjoy it, too.

I have Always carried a book with me - paperback, hardcover or my electronic tablet. You will always find me reading a book while in line at the bank/Post Office/store , or eating by myself at a restaurant. I have always loved books since I was around 5 years old.

I love Sendme name origin. Wish I had that one.
Mine is rather boring as I am not creative enough to come up with something clever. As sleepless in Oklahoma didn't sound good. Or, WhatintheworldamItodo was way too long. HowdoIdothiswell didn't work. Lordhelpmetodowhatyouwantmeto.
So Smeshque is the first letter of my first name and the first seven letters of may 14 letter last name. Native American.
So sorry not that exciting but I love how you all chose yours.

Polarbear - my favorite stuffed animal that I had since college. Shamelessly sleep hugging it every night ever since.

I have a much loved, rescue donkey named Buddy. He listens to me no matter the subject. He stands patiently when I cry on his neck. He becomes curious when I sing. He brays excitedly (accompanied by loud, stinky toots) when he sees me coming to his stable. He loves to give kisses. He is always a perfect gentleman when I clean his hooves. The farrier says Buddy is the most special donkey he has ever worked with. I believe God sent Buddy to me to give me something special to love and care for during the hideous times (past, present and future) associated with being a dementia caregiver. "Longears" is a nickname for donkeys.

I'm boring,, when asked for a log in I just used what I do a lot.. my name! Or part of it, and my job... I don't really worry about any of my family "stalking" me,, they all know me and I say on here what I say in reality! Of course, the only family I have CG problems with are the ILs,, and even though I offered this site as a resource,, they would never come here.. don't need any advise... LOL

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