
I had soooooo much fun reading all of your responses to "The Worst 70's Songs"!
So let's try another one !
What was your favorite childhood TV program? What was your least favorite program?
I'll start!
My favorite was The Brady Bunch !
Least favorite Lawrence Welk!

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I'm in.

My favorites were I Love Lucy, Three's Company, and Gilligan's Island.

I would watch reruns of I Love Lucy any day. Good clean humor. My favorite episode was the one where Lucy/Ricky/Ethel/Fred went into the chicken raising business. The house was overrun with adorable little chicks.

I don't have least favorite. I just didn't watch'em if I didn't like'em.

I loved The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and The Avengers.

Hated Bob Hope Specials.

My husband is playing your game.
He said his favorite was The Wonderful World of Disney.

His least favorite was Ellery Queen.

Then he rolled over and went to sleep.

Favorite, All In The Family in the 1970’s also tied for first place in the 1970’s was the Sonny and Cher Show. Least favorite- Murder she wrote although that started in the 1980’s.

xray, you post the most fun stuff!  Like Polar, I'm in!
Hard to choose fave .. like Polar, I Love Lucy! and Bewitched!  Andy Griffith! Ed Sullivan ..sometimes like The Beatles!
Least Favorite: awww.. I try to forget those. If I remember, I'd have to try to forget again..

DH’s favourite was the Mouseketeers. I think he’s still a bit in love with Annette Funicello.

I'm not sure about favourites but even when I was little I absolutely hated Gilligan's Island and Green Acres, I wasn't too thrilled with Looney Toons either, especially Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner (shudder). But we only got two channels and one of them was snowy so of course we watched anyway.
Oh, I almost forgot the Beverly Hillbillies 🤦

OK, I remember liking the Junior Forest Rangers (a Canadian show) and the Littlest Hobo.

OK, I needed a google search to remind me of the shows I used to watch when I was a little bit older - My Three Sons, Gunsmoke and Bonanza, Happy Days (gotta love The Fonz), Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda, M*A*S*H*, WKRP, Bob Newhart, Charlie's Angels....
There are just too many, I'll leave some for the rest of you!

My least favorite...hard to choose I have so many...I would have to say M*A*S*H. A few of my favorites...Bewitched, American Bandstand, I Love Lucy...was Tom & Jerry on in the 70's or 80's...can't remember, but I did like them!

Reruns of Bewitched were always my favorite. Can’t tell how many times I tried to twitch my nose to clean my bedroom, always so disappointed that it wasn’t really a thing!
Saturday nights my mom washed my hair and we watched Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, and Carol Burnett as she combed it out, dried it, and rolled it in those foam pink curlers. It’s funny to me to see any of those shows now and notice the sex jokes that I never knew were there as a kid.

I am wondering those of you who like Bewitched, if you also like I Dream of Jeannie. I like both but I like the latter more, probably because Larry Hagman was so good looking. ;-D

Tom & Jerry was very cute. I like the fact that you can watch Tom & Jerry in any language and still understand it perfectly. Haha.

Polarbear, yes I loved bewitched and I Dream Of Jeannie!!

As stated, loved Bewitched, but for some reason Jeanne really bugged me. Maybe it was her constant saying “Yes, Master” to a man, something I knew I’d never do! 😉

OMG, I remember when Ed Sullivan had The Beatles on his 'reallly biiig show'. That night, I was watching The Wizard of Oz. The next morning in school, everyone was talking about The Beatles and here I am saying no no no, they weren't beetles, they were Munchkins!!!!!! Of course, everyone laughed at me for being SUCH a dweeb.........and I ran home and had a fit about not being allowed to watch Ed Sullivan! I think The Beatles were on his show again the next week since they were such a huge hit, and I finally got to see what all the hubbub was about, and to fall in love with Paul!

I loved Gilligans Island, Casper, Bewitched, My 3 Sons, Green Acres, The Munsters, The Adams Family and of course, I Dream of Jeannie

I liked 'I Dream of Jeannie'!

Tell your Hubby that I remember Sunday nights fondly!!
Bath time , jammies watching Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom before Wonderful World of Disney!! OMG!! I think Flip Wilson came on after Disney, but my folks wouldn't let me watch. Lol

I liked "The Man From Uncle". I didn't care for "Bonanza" but in fairness I am not a fan of westerns. I am sure for those who do like westerns it had appeal.

Anyone remember "Here Come the Brides"?
Bobby Sherman and David Soul!
Both guys came up in the 70's song fun!!

I liked many shows including My Three Sons, Father Knows Best, Gilligan's Island, The Addams Family, The Munsters and more. I started watching Little House on the Prairie when I became older!

I don't remember having a least favorite.

The Hardy Boys was so intriguing and fun to watch. Mac Davis program was my all time fave. I wrote to him in 1st grade and he sent me an autographed photo, I was in love. You just don't find men that can play spoons like ole Mac.😁

Least favorite He Man. My brother would race home and tune in everyday after school at full volume. Testosterone laden cartoons, shudder!

Jenna, I love little house on the prairie. We bought the entire 10 years and specials that we binged watch one year camp hosting.

Wishing that life was that simple and sweet.

I remember HE Man. My brother use to watch it all the drove me nuts!!

Loved Mac Davis! "Baby, Baby don't get hooked on me "!!
My Dad loved Tom Jones!
"What's up Pussycat "!! Lol

I am still jealous of his beautiful curls.

I still sing those songs 😁.

I don’t even know where to start!
I always loved watching T.G.I.F every Friday night on ABC, they showed Perfect Strangers, Full House, Step By Step, Family Matters, Sabrina the teenage witch, and Sister, Sister. Thanks to TGIF and my mother’s refusal cook on Friday nights which meant we went out to dinner or my dad picked up fast food, Friday nights were always excited and there was something to look forward too!

Saturday mornings were exciting too because of the cartoons and Saved by the Bell and California Dreams.

I also liked watching the facts of life, Punky Brewster, out of this world, gimme a break, just the ten of us and growing pains.

cartoons-G.I. joe, Care Bears, Bobby’s world, thundercats, gummy bears, duck tales. My absolute favorite was Jem & the holograms. Used to watch most of those
on Saturday morning if I recall correctly.
Actually weekday afternoons after school we watched The Disney Afternoon and Thats when duck tales was. Around the time I loved watching kids incorporated and the new Mickey mouse club.

teenage years my favorites were 90210, Life goes on, Martin, my so-called life, living single, NY undercover, fresh prince of bel air, designing women and the golden girls.

I HATED Americans Funniest Home videos. For the stupidest reason too LOL! Hated it because my parents watched it every Sunday night and it signaled the end of the weekend, it was almost bedtime and that I had school in the morning!! So depressing LOL! Can’t stand the theme song either, it brings back memories of that damn Sunday night dread!

If I could go back in time when all these shows were on, this quarantine would be a lot more bearable and go by faster!!!

Anyone else love the made for TV movies in the 80s and 90s? I think both ABC and NBC showed them.....and then lifetime would show them. One of my favorites was Death of a Cheerleader. I wish lifetime still showed all the re-runs :(

All good choices and good memories! Guess I'm a little bit older than you! Fun fact, I dated Bronson Pinchot's brother Oliver when I was 20. About the same time Perfect Strangers was popular! Oliver was a nice guy with an awesome car, but no chemistry! Lol

I loved the Monkeys!! And the Brady Bunch. And I watched Star Trek with my Dad

Here are some favorite TV shows I used to watch, Gidget as a teenager, Bewitched, I Dream of Jennie, Doris Day Show, I Love Lucy, Leave It To Beaver, Brady Brunch, Little House On The Prairie, My Three Sons, Lassie, The Waltons, Charlies Angeles. Donny and Marie. I still watch some of the reruns. Least favorite, Three stooges.

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