
I work with 4 clients and one of them is an absolute nightmare. As an HCA there are things I have to report even if the client doesn't want me too. It is my job they signed the paperwork with the understanding that as a caregiver I am a mandated reporter. I could lose my license if I don't. My client is Bipolar with major depression and mania. The client can go from one extreme to the next in the same week. And every little thing sets the client off. I have had to file 4 reports on this client in the last month because they tell me they are suicidal. And I have witnessed the client abusing medication. Every time I report the client and my company talks to them about it I then get to deal with the angry outbursts caused by my report. It is very frustrating I'm doing my job and doing what is best for the client and then the client basically punishes me for it. No one wants to work with this client for a large number of reasons and I got the client because I was new to the company and needed hours. I don't like to quit however I feel like at this point that is the best option. I shouldn't be punished every time I do my job. I am reporting because I care about my clients welfare. But the client doesn't see it that way. They see it as me being mean and hold it against me every time I go for my shift. I have explained to the client over and over that it is not personal I have to report things even if you dont want me to. While the client is in my care I am responsible for what happens to them.

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Ask to be taken off this clients care. Sooner or later it may come back to bite you in the butt.. if they make a claim against you. No one else is willing to take them so your agency must be aware of the problem!

I appreciate that. I will be talking to the office about it on Monday.

I love it when someone takes good advice!

Work basically told me to just deal with it. They are aware of the problem with this client and since the client is happy with me they are unwilling to give me a new assignment.

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