
We have spoken with hospice organization and the supposed doc.

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Who signed the hospice papers?

Was hospice explained to that person?

Does your husband understand that hospice is keeping his beloved aunt out of pain and out of anxiety so that she can transition (pass away) in peace and not in fear?

Why do you think they are giving her an overdose? What dosage of what meds are they giving?

NLM001, please note that the same doses that your husband's Aunt is receiving is no different than the doses given to patients of all ages who had undergo surgery and now are in recovery.

NLM; I'm so sorry that you are going through a tough time with your dear husband's Aunt. ((((hugs)))) and support are here for you both.

Folks often don't understand what hospice is all about. It's NOT overdosing. It's giving meds to ease breathing and anxiety as the body is shutting down. Death is hard to watch and to experience in our loved ones. But it is infinitely harder (for the patient AND the family) if the person who is dying is terrified, gasping for air and in agony.

Hospice is there to assist with the dying process, to keep your husband's beloved aunt below the level of discomfort, confusion, restlessness, sometimes dreams. They will administer drugs to do so. I am assuming someone there has the POA? That person should discuss everything with hospice. That is what they are there for, to help everyone through the dying process, both your aunt and your husband and you, also. This must be very difficult, and it is important you understand the process, what is happening, what can be expected. So sorry for your grief. There is no way to make easy the loss of so much love.

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