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Probably should have expanded.
Received Medicare check made out to her.
Clearly meant for c-pap company.
Check “was” on missing.
Of all the 15-20 mail envelopes ignored, this one is missing.
She can’t drive.....not like she is taking it to the bank.
And yes, she argued with me when it was received.....check made out to her!!!
Im not crazy, just going nutz......

Yep, my mom should have been an accountant! She pays attention to every single penny! She lived through the depression, doesn’t waste a dime!

I will keep you company with going nuts sometimes. Goes with the territory of caring for a parent.

Yes and whomever the primary caregiver is, they may accuse them of taking money, etc. even though there is no money taken or all the money is paying for their care, rent, clothes, which is clearly trackable.

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