
We who read each other’s posts.

I have been bitter, unhappy, burdened, overwhelmed.

Two days ago I threw up, felt like I was having a panic attack ( Had them in my 20’s), was scared.

Next day, I woke....something changed.

I can’t explain it. I pray everynight.

I felt a little bit better.
Seems like my anger has lessened.
I can say, I am not so consumed with dwelling on taking care of her.

I think I feel kinder.
I can’t explain it.
But, I did want to say it.


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I'm happy for you, Arimethea. Sometimes a day comes when our feet hit the floor, and we 'know' what our next moves will .. must be. It sounds like you heard and listened. Prayers sent to you ... lil

God is so good!

I am so glad you are feeling better. I think that there are times when the caregiver gets down, depressed and burned out and that we should be easy on ourselves in those times, and accepting of them. A psychologist in a book I was reading suggested that we learn to look on our feelings as weather fronts that come and go, with some stormy days, some sunny days, some dreary and drab days. That is life, when you come to think of it.
And isn't it a relief when the sun comes out?

I’ll take a great day any way I can get it. Good for you. Sometimes, I think an angel landed on my shoulder. Other times, I think that positive energy came to me from my good thoughts. Other times there is healing through music. That’s what I focus on the most. I recently watched a documentary about Jackson Brown: Going Home!!! It fed my soul. I relaxed, had a cold Sam Adams and man.......big change.

Only lasted 2 days.
Mommie dearest back at it.

Oh well.....:)

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