
Last night one of the local football coaches (47 yrs old) was killed by an elderly driver, at night, who was driving in the opposite lane at a high rate of speed. The coaches wife and 2 teen children are in critical care this morning.

If you question the need to get grandpa off the road, NOW is the time to take action. You may help someone younger get the chance to live out their natural life.

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That is terrible. My mother has never driven. She got mad at my father when he voluntarily stopped driving. I told her that he knew if he should be driving or not, so to leave him be. I know a few elders here that should not be driving, but they do anyway. I know it's hard to give up the car, but when the eyes, ears, reflexes, and judgment go, it's time to put down the keys.

The elderly who live in cities or other busy places certainly need to give up when time comes but it depends on where you live. I'm on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere where all that goes by is the odd tractor or pickup and many local farmers are in their 80s or more, still driving. There are two tiny villages, both accessible by gravel back road, where what little traffic there is moves very slowly. I'm in my 60s and, like most folks who live in the country, I'm in bed fairly early and never go out at night.

The Christmas rush is obscene. I was on the edge of the city (85km away) yesterday to deliver cookies for the girls at the vets and beds, toys and treats for the dog rescue. The traffic was horrendous and I only found as parking spot because I have a handicap permit. Picked up dog food and a bottle of wine and FLED back to farm country. I'm not going near the city again until well after New Years! Time for us all to stay home, enjoy a quiet Christmas and hide until all the madness is over.

This time of year my major concern is drunk drivers and now Canada plans to legalize marijuana ... oh joy, more people behind the wheel out of their minds!

Yes isolation vs. safety...and the safety of others...a real problem. Those of us who live outside areas with public transportation are in a bad spot. But we need to take the keys away. I know when I can't drive. But sometimes I am fine but then I have to stop and call for a rescue by friends or family. Humiliating but safe for all.

If you have friends who do not drive think of asking them if they need something from the store...

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