
I've noticed a huge uptick in scammy texts and calls in the last few days not to mention all the incredibly bad advice that is circulating on the web, please be extra vigilant!

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Yes, those jerks never sleep.

I've also read of an uptick in scammers.    So far I've just had the typical "I wanna buy your house" and other solicitors, but I'm having fun creating scenarios to really put them in their place.   Payback is nice.

cwillie, I also noticed an increase in scam calls the past couple of weeks. For awhile there, hardly any. THEY'RE BACK!!

When I check the answering machine, most of the calls were the "DO NOT HANG-UP" calls saying they were from Microsoft and that my computer has been infected. I feel like returning the call and saying Lysol did the trick, and the computer is now back working :P

I got a call on my house phone, which I never use anyways saying the my computer virus protection is up and I needed to renew it for $199.99. It was on my answering machine. Well, I just paid my computer virus protection in February. I haven't had that many calls until the last few days. I guess they are Back!!

I always have a flood of texts and calls. I hate it. It’s a full time career for them!

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