
So many users are having issues with the functionality of the site!!!!

Can't you at least let us know you are aware of the problems and working on getting it fixed?

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Find Care & Housing
I posted this to mental health because I am sure this issue is driving some users batty!

They are aware but I am told can find nothing wrong.
I managed to come here this a.m., offend some folks, then try to post an emergency post to admins in discussions about all the problems, then could not post at all, including apologies to the people I offended.
Send, I am sorry.
OP Anony, I am sorry.
Poor wording. Misquotes. Mea culpa for sure. Yesterday I offended another OP as well, and that's not all that's going on.
I am off for a week. I hope it's all fixed when I return or I will be off permanently (tho as we already know, hee hee, my permanently seems to last about two months, so time will tell.
My problems here: I cannot post PMs
I cannot post responses, nor edit what I said with edit button.
I cannot create post in discussions.
My avatar disappears and I have to sign in each time I try to use the site.
Good luck everyone. If this posts it will be some sort of miracle.

Alva, I was able to get on your profile.

Found this link. Maybe it will work again.

Posted June 2021
Sign on Problems for AgingCare?
Did anyone else have signing on problems this a.m. or is it simply my computer playing with me again? I was commenting, had even posted in discussions, and suddenly I got the sign in note which I have never had. My password didn't work. I had to reset with my email address, and that DID work. Just curious.

Jun 2021
Thanks so much. I reset my password and got my note in my email, so all is well. I am hard to get rid of, hee hee.

They are aware and suggest not to try and get them thru Discussions.

😂😂 if only they would respond to other inquiries! I tried sending email yesterday and reporting some posts where problems were expressed!

Speaking of.

Today I received a private message from someone I've never heard of before and tried to delete it and it won't let me.

Anyone else?

Was it a nasty message Gershun? I've gotten messages from people agreeing with me or even thanking me for something and since they don't make any reference to what thread it was I have no idea what they are talking about🤔

No Willie, it wasn't a nasty message. Just a message that made me scratch my head and say to myself "who is this, why are they sending me this and what are they talking about?"

I was just concerned that I couldn't delete it or any of my private messages for that matter.

I have messages like this too. Click on the name of the sender. Go to "following" and there is where posts are listed. If new to the forum, will not be many posts. There is probably a better way but I don't know it. Can do a search of their ID and see where they have posted.

Thank you Joann, I will try that.


I just tried to delete a private message after reading that you weren’t able to. I can’t delete mine either.

Are you guys sure you are doing it right? You need to use the three little dots above the message.


Yes, that’s what I am doing. Can you try it to see if you can?

Thanks for checking, Bandy.

Yep, I still can't delete mine. I did send them a message asking if they could look into this too.

Oh I see what you are talking about now, I thought you were not given the option to delete but it's that the messages are still there after deleting. Yup, I tried to delete Brandy's test message and that's happening to me too.

AlvaDeer awakened to the WHOOPS KITTEN infection.
Alas, almost a relief.
I did notify the admins.

I can see your profile Alva, they're just playing with you.

It was fixed pretty quick after I emailed the admins. I think you are right, cwillie. They thought I was in need of a kitten.

The co-Foster Dog is here today; so would add interest if one shows up, for certain.

Your recent post has made me reconsider why we even NEED the whole PM thing. And got me out of discussions threads (other than Lea) which don't add to my day, and up to the high road again where I'll continue to answer and enjoy our OPs. As I said, almost a relief to see the kitten, instead of messages, hee hee. And NOW some guy named TREAVOR is telling me "Hello". Likely trying to make me his bride. Will consider the offer so long as I don't have to move to Nigeria or anything.

Alva u can report Trevor. There are 3 little dots above his post. Click on them and then click report.

If the delete function isn't working I don't have much faith that the report one is.

I still think we should have the ability to report a profile or an original post, before any answers or comments! Maybe that could be given a priority on weekends and holidays to get immediate attention?

These things seem to happen on weekends when most people are aware there is nobody available to address concerns.

JoAnn, I seemed to be able to "report" TREVOR, but the delete button doesn't work. Golden reports (on another thread) that is the case for her for some months now.

Would anyone be able to provide a simple tutorial for leaving PM's? I used to be able to do it. I don't know now if the issue is with me or the site. I did leave a message with AC. I don't have great hopes with that.

Some people have their accounts set to not accept messages Riverdale, and some who used to accept them no longer do because of unwanted messages or security fears - that could be what you are encountering.

I can't get to my profile at all, today.

Bandy, if you're out there, I tried to look at the message that you sent, but I can't get to it. Sorry! I'll try again!

Gladimhere cannot post on the forum. She can send and receive messages.

I think that the site is having difficulties with the inputs/profiles of long-time posters.

I have little faith in the techs at AC.

Hmmm, who wants to start a new forum?

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