
The place is The Inn at University Village in Ohio. Apparently she sent the videos to someone and they turned it over to the police. It is scary to think she may have never been caught if that person had not notified the police.

I think facilities really need more safeguards in place to prevent things like this from happening to vulnerable seniors who can't defend themselves against attacks or tell someone.

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Burn these sickos at the stake to get the point across.

When you pay people such low wages, and overwork them it is no surprise when they get less than desirable employees that are capable of doing such horrendous acts.

I am glad the person was dumb enough to record and send the video to someone. Give the room temp IQ this person must have been sporting I am shocked they even got the job in the first place.

Rape is COMMONPLACE at this point if you recall all the Olympic kids raped by their own DOCTOR. Clearly a well off person.
Rapist come in every shape, shade, size, age and monetary value.
RR is to my mind making a good point. If they are not around anymore they can't do it again.
Rapists are evil people using power and control. You might meet one in your dental office; that's happened as well. Might meet them in your college dorm, on your job, in the dark alley, or on the dating apps.
So just know, we can't predict by wages who is likely to rape.

What I am saying is if you put people that desperate, stuck in a dead end job, unable to do much of anything due to living pay check to pay check and work insane hours, deal with families and their demands on a daily bases, deal with patients that probably are behind nerve wrecking combined with the fact that in essences they have very little control over their own lives.

It does not shock me that someone in that position would do such a thing. Sure it can happen anywhere but generally speaking I do believe well paid, happy, and respected workers are less likely to commit violent or horrible acts at the work place. I do think all three are important of you are lacking one it can lead to potential breakdown of a person.


I have worked in homecare (mostly for elders) for almost 25 years.
Many of those years were as an agency-employed homecare worker. The pay was low, the company loyalty was none, and many of the clients treated me like crap.
That being said at no time did I ever even entertain the thought of committing a crime against any client on my service. Let me tell you I've worked for every kind too. Dementia patients so out of it that they bite, kick, and slap. Male ones at a point in their dementia that they were sexually depraved and masturbated constantly. Old ladies just waiting for something to get "fussy" about. I admit, I've told a few to "fuss off" in my time and walked away but never stole from anyone and never committed a crime.
Being in a low-paying, crappy, dead end job does not excuse a lack of conscience and human decency.
No, it does not.

Sighopinion, having a low paying job doesn't turn people into evil criminals.
I am sad about the low pay of many positions in many places; it is very hard for people to make ends meet. I was once so poor (as a child) that we had ONE pint of ice cream on Sunday evenings split four ways. Ice cream never tasted so good again. My parents ran their own motel. Lived in the first cabin. My bro and I each got a tiny room and they slept on a pullout couch. Teeny cabins, 11 of them and one wringer washer and clothes lines. I was the garbage girl and picked it up with my baby buggy.
No one was a criminal. In fact my parents were the best two people, the happiest two people I have ever known, even when my Dad had to go to Wichita to work in the airplane factories in the winters with no tourists.
No one was evil, a rapist, and to tell the truth we weren't even MEAN!!!! Rapists are rampant. Let's mention Jeffrey Epstein about now. Let's mention the movie producter, Harvey Weinstein. Rich enough for you????
The two things have nothing to do with one another. A rapist is evil. Rich or poor. But no man is more likely to be one for being poorly paid. As I said, poor pay is tragic. But it doesn't create evil. Just my humble opinion.

Sigh, you are obviously young and don't know much about working class people, whom I believe are the salt of the earth.

To say someone is in a dead end job and lives paycheck to paycheck describes over 80% of the worlds population. Doesn't make them deranged, derelicts as you seem to believe.

There is nothing desperate in working hard to make ends meet, even though the youth of today seem to think it is beneath them.

I think people should be paid what they are worth and many young people I have given a chance at employment aren't worth the powder to blow them up. Mainly because they justify their derelict behavior with lame excuses that boil down to NO RESPONSIBILITY.

I am not saying a low paying job in itself makes people do horrible things, what I am saying is such positions can and have led people down a path that ends up harming another person. Such factors feed into despair and desperation. A person imo can only bear so much than snap. I have seen overly good people that in a million years would never imagine hurting a person let alone someone in their care. Yet, have beaten the person in their care a person can only take so many diapers, screaming, etc... before they snap.

Not everyone is cut out to be a caregiver yet we market such a position as something everyone can do and pay accordingly due to it be labeled as low skill work. Imo it is far from low skill work it requires a specific perspective and personality that cannot be taught.

I do think it is disingenuous to even say that working a dead end job with little upward mobility, living a life in stress about how you are one crisis away from being potentially homeless, if they have children telling them may have to wait on their next pair of glasses that are broken, or get made fun at school because you had to wear the same thing over and over, being so overworked and tired thar you cannot even go to a school event for your child.

In short living a life in constant stress or worry is not healthy and unfair wages, working conditions can even bring down the moral of person if they go through it long enough.

I am also not making an excuse for the person what I am saying is it does not shock me. Like in the field I work in, it did not shock me the issues around Blizzard popped up. I think taking a look at the environment in which one came from or works in is not about making an excuse but it also something we need to consider. Sure, many do not give in or cave but that does not mean the situation did not have an impact on what happened be it in caregiving or in my field of game development, or Hollywood etc...

I agree it does not create evil and I do not think I have said it does, nor do I think I said it should be used as an excuse. If that is how it came off I am sorry, what I am saying is it does not shock me when someone is under constant stress suddenly breaks that is all.

I read the various news articles regarding this situation, and notice a common thread, the victims were all elderly males.

Makes me wonder if this young girl was acting out on something that was a horrible routine event in her life when she was young. Don't get me wrong, I am not defending her, just trying to understand why she would do such a terrible thing.

Here's a background article:


I'm going to agree with you on some points here on the thread because they are spot on.
It is true that people can reach a point where they just can't change another diaper. Or clean more piss and sh*t off of the floor, clothes, and furniture of a hoarded elderly house. They cannot get through one more day of a person asking the same question or saying the same thing over and over again because they're in a dementia loop and fixated on it.
The caregiver has to know when to walk away before they lose control themselves.
I worked my last paying caregiving job for seven years. I actually enjoyed it the first couple of years. The client had dementia and mobility issues but was still functional with assistance. We went out all the time and had fun. I was responsible for all the housekeeping, errands, and helping her with showering and dressing but that was fine. I made top money too because it was private.
The client reached the point where she should have been in a nursing home. The responsibility of this client fell 100% on me because by this time the husband had passed. The out-of-town family did nothing. I stayed longer than I should have. If I left when the husband passed, they would have acted and put her in a nursing home. I didn't because of the money.
I never neglected the hands-on physical care. She was kept immaculately clean. Bed-bathed head to toe every single day. Her bed and house was always spotless. She was well-fed, and her medication was properly handled. I neglected her emotionally though. I had burnout so bad by this time that I could barely stand the sight of her. I was a robot and worked in total silence. By this time I was naming my price and the family paid it. They had nothing but the highest respect for me as well. The job was ruining my life.
Caregivers have to know when to walk away. It's not so much about who's "cut out" to be caregivers and who not. It's a judgement call. I've known caregivers who were the most loving and caring. They wanted to help people and bought the "rewarding" job nonsense. Until they actually got into the work and their elderly clients didn't appreciate them like they expected and abuse happened. It's all about caregiver judgment and knowing when to walk away before abuse happens. Everyone has this skill.

Without question the person in this situation must be very, very mentally ill.

Rape is about power, not sex. It's a control method, often combined with threats that 'if you tell, I'll kill you' or some such thing.

The victims were probably also unaware that's what was happening.

My heart aches for the victims. The #metoo movement was shocking to me, to see the number of people who had been abused. It was also very cathartic, as I was a #metoo 'victim'. I can say it 'ruined' my life in many, many ways.

There is NEVER, EVER any excuse for this behavior, NEVER.

I fall in the camp that it is not a skill everyone has. The ability to make a proper judgment or have the proper judgment to know when to walk away or when to place a person as an example is something not everyone can do when emotions or bias are involved.

Not everyone can be a caregiver, nor do I think you can train a person that is not cut out to be a caregiver to be one. I do not feel you can teach f
to an adult compassion, empathy, understanding, patience, responsibility, resiliency list goes on many requires to be a proper caregiver.

I played the game and put my LO that does not need the medical aspect of a SNF into a SNF despite everyone and their mother outside social work telling me it is not best for them, I should use home care. They are still highly functional, they are too young. All true points, but it was unsafe for them to be in their home, and it would have been unsafe for them to stay with me.

I was suggested to a bunch of caregiver resources, books, podcasts, YouTube videos, and seminars. No one really got it expect the social worker everyone claimed with enough effort I could do it. I knew couldn't, had I tried I probably would have hurt her because I would have snapped. The social worker told me not everyone can do this, and they wish employment side of things could be more selective but they cannot they need bodies and the turnover rate is extremely high.

I agree overall with what you are saying, but I just do not see caregiver judgment as a skill we all have. I do also fall in the camp that not everyone is cut out to be a parent or have children cause they required the skills necessary, nor do I think it is something that you can properly learn as you go.

The caregivers at my bro's ALF were exemplary. Wonderful people who were "called" to be caregivers, as was I (I was a nurse all my life and loved it; would not however have ever wanted to be a caregiver 24/7 in home to a relative or anyone else). The place where my bro was until his death was amazing. His ex is still there and tells me each time I call how wonderful they are to him and that "he is their favorite" which is the best sign you can have, as they ALL think they are the favorite of their caregivers.
At the end, no matter how awful my bro's illness and its symptoms, no matter how almost impossible the care, they cared for him with enormous love and dedication. I cannot say enough good about them.
But this is off the subject of a rapist. They are violent criminals. Just like a murderer, there is no connection between their job, its pay or anything else. They are criminals. And as I said, we have Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein to prove all THAT.


You made the right call putting your LO in a care facility. Not letting yourself be talked into something you knew would be wrong for you and your LO was also right.
As for what kind of people a nursing home or care agency will hire. Well, they will hire pretty much anyone. I worked for several different care agencies over the years and only one asked for a criminal back round check from the police department of the town I lived in for the last five years. That was easy because I live in the town I was born in. They still hired people who had criminal records though.
None of it will ever get any better as long as the greed of the 'old age industry' is allowed to continue to operate as it is with no threat of consequences.
There are actual evil people in this world who get off on cruelty and torture. The kind of people who would sexually assault an elderly person with dementia in a nursing home. Or who would abuse a child. Or commit any number of heinous crimes. Working a dead-end job or living a sh*t life is not what makes these kinds of people.

Agree to disagree, I do not think people are born evil, more so they are a product of a series of choices and events in their life that have reached a boiling point and snap.

As mentioned I agree not everyone who had a sh*t life / living a sh*t life, or has no prospects turns sour so to speak. What I am saying is that it certainly does not help matters and does add to whatever issues they have faced or face before.

I am not making excuses for such people, but I am not shocked if someone who has no control in their life for whatever reason feels the need to or desire to try and take control one way or another. I do feel it is safe to assume most people who live grinding work life and have all sorts of problems will not even entertain the idea.

Just like I am not shocked if someone who has not eaten in days makes the choice to steal some food.

Though, to say such factors do not have the potential to add up and push someone over the edge is a tad disingenuous.

I mean I have no evidence to show a relation between income, employment status, type of employment, living situation and the relation to crime. To be frank most likely will not look it up, but I also do not believe people are inherently evil so to speak. Since I believe, that does mean I believe something has to lead up to cause a person to commit great harm to another.

I have a clinic diagnosis of ASPD, in short I am a true sociopath they do not us the term sociopath anymore. I have been battling this since I was a kid. I know I can go from zero to hundred in a fraction of a second. As my therapist has told life is aculmination of choices we make or are made for us. Sometimes people focus on the choices that were not made for us, such as skin color, type of family you were born into, environment you were born into etc... verse the choices we have control over. Like how much effort you put into your school work, if you willfully get into drugs.

In short some people make excuses for their short comings and blame the system and everyone else around them for their lives they live, or they take personal responsibility and do something about it. That being said as they told me we cannot dismiss the concerns of elements outside of our control and how they can lead to choices are 100% in our control but do not see it as such.

It is hard to let go of the baggage, and I am pretty sure all these people that do horrible acts have baggage they cannot let go of. Not making excuses but I am also not going to dismiss it either. I live it, I easily could have gone down the route to doing something horrible growing up, even now I always walk on a razors edge. I was lucky enough to get help early on and have been able to live a somewhat functional life because of it. My family was also upper middle class, if they were not. Who knows what would have happened.

It sucks not feeling like you have options or control of your life, and when you have no support it is easy to give into vile actions. It is easy to hurt someone or something when you yourself feel you have nothing to lose or no one that cares for you.

Once again not saying low income jobs creates bad people, what I am saying is it certainly does help matters.

Sigh, I agree, what we are exposed to does shape us to a degree.

It's like the increase in violence since video games that depict death, mayhem and destruction have become so popular. There is no denying that people act out more since they became the norm.

There is doubt that people in the world today are angrier then ever before in my life time and feeding on the movies and video games that make all of this normal is a large part of that anger.

I think that no one claimed we are "born evil". Of course we aren't. We are born they seem to think now with certain traits and genes, often from a long history of genetic profiles going back, and we are either nurtured through life or we are not. We can certainly be so ABUSED as a child especially that we BECOME abusers. However, at some point it was claimed that a lack of a good-paying job can make us commit rape, and to me that is nonsense. There are many poor and decent people in the world. There are many wealthy and evil people. And vice versa. Again, I give you the VERY WEALTHY Epstien and Weinstein. Were they BORN evil? No one can go back to their genetic history. Were they abused? Who knows. But is a poor paying job anything to do with it.

I said a poor paying job can be a contributing factor among others. Is it really that hard think that tye stresses of a poor paying job among other stresses should not be considered when it comes to what conditions contribute to a certain horrible outcome?

I never stated a poor job in itself was the the sole cause, many factors are at play. Also, the things around Epstien are also far more complicated. He was a fixer for the rich and powerful, they had problems or desires he helped facilitate a solution. We will never know the full truth around his situation.

Weinstien was a unattractive man with enormous power and authority in Hollywood. I am sure he had his own demons and issues that led him to use and abuse females and led him to believe women are nothing more than objects.

As I said many factors are at play a poor paying dead end job are some factors people face that lead them to do wrong things. It does not mean it is a factor for everyone, I get it trust me I do. It not easy to admit that stagnant wages, increased poverty, limited options, poor living conditions can potentially be a contributing factor that leads people to a comit crime. Cause it is not a problem we can easily fix, and it also undermines all the upstanding individuals that never have even entertained the idea of doing wrong because of their circumstances. It also could be seen as not taking personal responsibility or accountability for one's actions but that is not nesscaryly the case.

We really should not undermine how factors lead up to an action. Also do not mean to imply someone said people were born evil, I more so meant it as since people are not born evil their has to be an event or events that led to a certain outcome. I do not think many people generally do something just for heck of it.

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