
She will not listen to anyone but the scammers. At our wits end.

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Are the scammer related to your aunt?. It might make a difference in any advice given.

No they are outside of USA

Notify her credit card companies that she has been scammed in writing and tell them that she is not completely in charge of all her faculties and will never be able to pay the bill.

Then contact your local FBI and ask them to help you. They might send agents out to investigate and scare your aunt into believing that she is paying the bad guys.

I would also change her number.

the FBI isn’t going to send agents out. Come on now. If anything, it’s a matter for the local police.

Worriedincali, where I live, when it is across boarders, it is a job for the FBI, and they will help.

Does every comment you make have to be pissy and make people wrong. Quite frankly I am sick of reading your know it all answers with a witch attitude attached. You are always telling people to get lost and go away, maybe you shou take your own advice.

Police are aware of this and a detective is on the case but feel nothing is being done we have to remove from her home to get her away from the scammers phone has been changed and the scammers have even done things with her phone they are unbelievable

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