
I lost my keys, where are my keys, I can’t find the box of cereal, and what the hell did I do with the milk?? Omg am I going crazy? I have to get to my parents house to help and I can’t find anything anymore, I MUST be losing my mind! Wait I found my wallet that I didn’t even know I lost!?!? Why is my wallet on the kitchen table, and I can’t find my pants, oh wait I’m wearing my pants!! Ok I need to try to relax because if I don’t find my keys I can’t get to my parents to care-give!!! Taking a step back and desperately trying to think at 3am I slowly analyzed things because I’m in a panic. I opened my cabinets and holy man there’s the milk!! I found the milk!!! Ok let me open the refrigerator once, hey I found the box of cereal!! Now I just NEED my keys where are my keys?!?! Wait a second something is jingling in my pants, it’s my keys!!! I found my keys!! LOL I’m not losing my mind!! Now I can get to my parents to help out!!!
——the daily life of a caregiver lol

I hope this helps some of you at least laugh when you think your overwhelmed :)

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Been there. But stress does this to us too. Just have too much on your mind.

Never happen. I would never put the cereal in the refrigerator.
The light in there is not good enough to read anything, and I can never find my reading glasses.

I love this post, @problemsolve...
Cuz I've had those moments also!
Last week was really overscheduled 4me, & each time I rushed out the door, I found myself checking to make sure I was wearing pants!
(God, please let me be wearing pants, cuz I just locked the door behind me). Whew! Yes, pants on...(next time check when I'm still in the house).
P.S. Yes, I'm ok, I think

I think this is normal behavior when too stressed out. Your post is too funny. My niece put my cousins false teeth into my mother's mouth and wondered why the dentures did not fit. I was so grossed out. I practically sterilized my mother's mouth. My family and I were eating breakfast at our hotel near the airport and we had 45 minutes to make the flight. I told my brother and cousin to wheel my mother to the van and wait for me while I cleaned up our table. Two pilots saw me rushing,and volunteered to clean up so I could make the flight. I went out to the lobby and could not find my mother. She was traveling with brother and cousin to airport and her w/c was in another van. I was so stressed thinking my brother and cousin would put my mother on the wrong plane. The stewardess was great and delayed the flight by going very slow with my mother so I would make the flight . The airport attendants finally found my mothers w/c. Talk about stress. I never seen anything like it. Brother and cousin are great people, but would land in China going to Boston.

This is so funny, because so close to truth.  My aunt took a long time to get ready to leave for anything, so I made a joke out of it.  Checklist, ending with do we have our false teeth and do we both have our pants on. She'd laugh.

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