
All of a sudden my 97 year old mother is "shaking like a leaf." What would bring this on all of a sudden?

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In addition to all the already posted good suggestions, I'll offer two that could be just as basic:   possible previous stroke, and basic cold in the home.  

I had a political stroke in 2017 with no obvious residuals other than slightly larger on one side of my body.  Then I had a back injury, and noticed my right hand shook in the morning.    I also kept the heat low overnight and was chilled in the morning.  

Once I got moving and warmed up, the hand shaking stopped.    And shaking can be a higher level of shivering, at least that's my experience.

But I agree with others; and I would contact a neurologist ASAP if you have one.
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There could be an array of medical reasons. Please get your mom medical attention ASAP. If virtual appointments are available, that would be a great start. Essential tremors, low sugars, medication issues and more can play in your moms symptoms.
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I would get her to see her doctor.

She obviously has something that could cause serious injury if not addressed, at her age decline is rapid and a broken bone can be deadly.

I have low blood sugar and shake like crazy when I need protein. So you can see by the different answers here that she needs a doctor.

Hospitals are not really great for this type of issue, she needs fasting labs and a med check, along with anything else her doctor is aware of that could be causing her to shake and fall. Please get her to her doctor.

Best of luck getting this sorted out for her and your peace of mind.
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This is a question to take up with her MD. Could be one of many many things.
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foxxmolder, time to take Mom to see her primary doctor to see what is causing those tremors. It could be low blood sugar if your Mom hadn't had anything to eat for a couple of hours. I get that if I don't snack on something mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

Sometimes dehydration can cause the tremors.

Or it could be a side effect from some medicine. The doctor can prescribe another brand to try.
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foxxmolder Apr 2021
I guess it must have been one of those things since she has stopped shaking right now. Thank you for your suggestions. I appreciate you and your answers. Kate
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