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Kiko, it is very important that you let your therapist know how strong an emotional reaction you are having to therapy.
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Kikokiko May 2023
She did not answer me I sent many messages
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"Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence."
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Kikokiko May 2023
But I still see people hurt me
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Another question from this poster that is better suited for the discussion section. She/he keeps reaching out on AC forum, when she might be better served elsewhere (though folks here try to be helpful).
Helpful Answer (2)
Catskie62 May 2023
Newbie, I haven't seen anything else from this OP. Just curious why you feel this is not in the
right place.
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Many of us have cried in therapy. I know that I have. Maybe you are just now processing experiences from long ago.

I had a very confusing childhood. As a child, we can’t possibly understand our circumstances as an adult would. So, we are left wondering why things don’t feel right.

I experienced a delay in processing pain, anxiety and depression. I believe it was because I didn’t have the opportunity to attend therapy as a young person. I buried all of my feelings in order to survive and accomplish goals that I had for myself.

I really thought I was successful in burying my emotions until I became a mother to my daughters.

I looked at my daughters one day from across the room and out of nowhere I started sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn’t understand why I was crying because I was very happy to be a mom and have the harmonious family relationship that was missing from my youth.

I realized that I needed to be in therapy because I hadn’t processed anything that happened in my life. Burying emotions may work for awhile but it isn’t a long term solution.

I am glad that you are in therapy. Stick with it. It’s draining at times but so worth it.

Best wishes to you. I wish you peace and blessings in your life.
Helpful Answer (6)

I often cried after therapy. To my mind it is the BEST therapist in the world who SHAKE US UP and make us cry. A) It washes out the emotional and lets us think and B) It forces us to examine what same-old same-old isn't working for us.

Enjoy the good cry, and then get on to building a life in which you DO NOT ALLOW people in your sphere who are there to hurt you. Build a life FORWARD instead of backward. Time to move on to a better you, Kiko. Good luck!

You may find a FEW times in your life where you can benefit from a few good therapy sessions. The best therapists help us comb out our old habits, and move on to new ones.
Helpful Answer (9)
NeedHelpWithMom May 2023
I so agree with your words!

The thought provoking questions from my therapist pushed me to a better place in my life.
Kiko, How many times have you seen your therapist?

In person? On Zoom? Is s/he a licensed social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist?

When are you scheduled to see them next?

So, to unpack strong feelings after a session--

Journal what you are feeling. Write down what is making you cry. Write it out in the language you are most comfortable in and translate it after.

Talk through to yourself what you are feeling. You are hurt by what others have done to you. Was this stuff that happened when you were a kid? Can you try to look at it through adult eyes and see what might have been happening?

Is it worth holding on to? There is some stuff that happened to me as a kid that was weird, traumatic, unpleasant but not abusive. Just unfortunate stuff that one needs to acknowledge as damaging, need to connect to current patterns of behavior, needs to talk about in therapy. I'm sorry you are having a tough time.
Helpful Answer (6)
KNance72 May 2023
Barb - in person is always better
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Kiko , How Old are you ? I am guessing 27 . You will Learn in Life no One gives a damn about you and then eventually the only Person you have to answer to is yourself . Some Of us get Lucky with a best friend or Grand Mother or a Dog but even that Passes and changes . I always say " Thank God that I can get a Good Nights sleep - tomorrow will be a better day . " Most People can Not be there for themselves never Mind another person . When you realize you have to be your Own best friend then that is a Blessing . You will Learn to Mother your Own Inner child , you will Learn to mother yourself thru self care , you will learn to Place Boundaries up against Toxic people But In the end you will learn to love yourself and have compassion for other beings . I take classes at Upaya Zen Center with Joan Halifax in Santa Fe , NM - It is a Buddhist center and you can live there if you are accepted . She has many courses for donation or free for Caregivers or anyone - take advantage of this support system . Look for rainbows because there is always going to be rain storms . Change is Inevitable - Once you learn to go with the flow and not Judge your feelings but release them you are truly free .
Helpful Answer (1)


Be very careful about who you choose as your therapist. Choose either a licensed psychologist or social worker. I received the best care from these.

Life coaching is rampant these days. The trouble with these are that many of them don’t have the proper qualifications to help you.

Please don’t follow trends by life coaches who are popular with the TikTok community. Often their training is less than adequate for serious issues such as yours. Abuse is trauma and requires someone who has extensive training in this area.

Don’t fall for the woo woo types of cures out there that are offered by unlicensed life coaches.
Helpful Answer (5)
KNance72 May 2023
So True
This is why u go to therapy to learn how to deal with a toxic childhood and get all those feelings out. Your therapist should be giving you the tools to learn that only you can change. You cannot change others but you can change you. Set boundries. People can only hurt u if you let them. You may have to walk away until your stronger. Its a shame our childhood can leave such deep scars because we are adults for a long time. A good cry is good. Do not allow these people to define who u are. Thats why you need to walk away and find who u r. Find that your a good person with talents u don't know you have. You may never be able to go back. Thats OK. Family is not always blood related.
Helpful Answer (2)

"You will Learn in Life no One gives a damn about you"

That's nonsense! There's lots of people who genuinely care about others, that includes strangers. The thing is in one's life one only closely knows or interacts with like 5 or 10 or 20 people. You can't make generalizations on that. I know people. I'm one of them I like to think, that always has the best interests of other people in mind.

It's true many people are hurtful, disrespectful, selfish, greedy and don't care about others or everyone or even you but that's not all people. You need to "get out there' and simply meet more people. You'll find people who will always build you up and make you feel good about yourself.
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hereiam May 2023
Lisa, you said you only have one friend. As you can see, that quote is true:

"You will Learn in Life no One gives a damn about you"

There are very few people who really care, and who will stand by you through thick and thin.
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You will find that as you become stronger by participating in therapy and discovering many things about yourself, you will also learn about others as well.

This doesn’t mean that you excuse the abuse but perhaps by exploring your individual situation, you will see why it happened. Through therapy some of your questions may be able to be put to rest.

For instance, sadly, unhealthy cycles continue on in families until they are broken. You have the power within you to begin to break these cycles and then the next generation will be strong and stable.

Use the tools that are taught in therapy to become the best version of yourself. You will be amazed by how life changing it is when you seriously invest in yourself.

Wishing you peace and blessings for your future.
Helpful Answer (3)
Kikokiko May 2023
I hope.. I lost many things like married and kids... Untill now ever one hurt me direct or indirect way and I stay in my room thinking hours imagine my self shouting to them or want to express my feeling crying.

Thanks for posting the link to your discussion thread. I can’t always remember the title of threads in order to do a search, so I appreciate when a link is posted for important information.
Helpful Answer (1)

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