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How will you feel about breaking your vows? Is your life really in danger? Or is it your health ? I have been in your place. Hubby died last year. I have regrets, something I can no longer do anything about. Your leaving will just give you a different set of problems. You seem to be feeling sorry for yourself as I did but even though you are suffering your husband is suffering more! You should start thinking about researching what help is available for you for you need taking care of also. As an 82 year old woman and now a widow I can tell you I am alone with no one to take care of but myself. And this is important, I would do anything and do it better if I could have my very ill husband back. If you love someone as you say you do, you DO NOT leave! You keep looking for and find the help you need to take care of yourself and your husband. Your situation is far from unusual and though you are near a breaking point, you are not helpless. You do not leave a sick husband and live happily ever after. If your husband is physically abusive to you the situation is different but leaving is not the answer and you will have to live with your guilt and weakness the rest of your life. You sound unhappy, scared, and tired, and there is loads of things you can do just do the searching necessary instead of “saving” yourself. If you can post to this website you can do the research. If you want pity, you have it but pity self-serving and not helpful and a waste if not accompanied by useful suggestions.What you need is someone to tell you life is not fair and you are wanting to bail out of a difficult situation! I would like to know why you think your life is in danger! Perhaps this just means you want a better life. My husband passed away last year and I still want a better life so leaving will not automatically give you that. Most of my friends have passed away so as sick as my husband was I chose to find help for both of us, kept him at home with me, and found ways to make him and me happy. Was it easy?
. Heck no, and at one point I went into my room and screamed for five minutes, got angry with God, and scared the dog in the process! And then I went forward with my/our day!This is what you do when taking care of someone you love!!!!
Helpful Answer (8)
gdaughter May 2021
Breaking the vows? Do you really think this person needs a guilt trip on top of all she is coping with? Vow regarding "till death do us part" Whose death? Because this woman is going to wind up self-destructing at the rate she is going. It is one thing to love those we care for, to give it our all, out of love, for love, whatever. Many sons and daughters make the same sacrifices...but what will the plan be if the caregiver dies? Who will be there and fill the role then? I hate to repeat myself, but others have heard/read my story of nearly dying last fall, having been in good health, or so I thought, until I suddenly wasn't and nearly died of dissected aorta. I was rushed via rescue to the local hospital, airlifted to the main campus of the Cleveland Clinic, underwent emergency surgery. Forced into rehab. Was away from those I cared for a month, traumatized, suffered. All of our family lives out of state. NEighbors were wonderful but only to a point. Sibling came in for less than a week, then blamed me for my illness that I should have known about per her opinion, did some other damages, and proceeded to tell others how SHE was angry at my (lifelong) inability to swallow pills(and yes, I know all the tricks). What works for one person doesn't work for another no matter the similarities. Hopefully this person will find some relief in respite, possibly be able to find and afford more. Your response reminds me of the ignorant people who respond to bathing issues with the "create a spa like environment". FInd someone to tell you life is not fair my a**. I'm sure this person realized this long ago. What she needs is a hug, not a know it all telling her what you do when you love someone, or how she sounds.
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He sounds like a hospice candidate. Talk to his doctor.
Helpful Answer (12)

All the suggestions written about getting help are good ones. Finding a care facility could give you the relief you need and effectively feel like a divorce, but if you feel you need an actual divorce instead, get one. This is your life.

What others think doesn’t matter. Your true friends will stay by your side and you don’t need anyone who doesn’t.

Your financial situation should be weighed before divorcing. Some divorce to protect themselves financially, of course others stay for security.

Alternatively, if his children have POA, they could divorce you even if you wanted to stay (to protect their future inheritance).

I would include your husband and his children in the process (but only) after you have made the decision that is right for you.

If you are leaving anyway, allow his children the opportunity to step up and take him in (before making other arrangements) or help pick a long term care option that allows them convenience if they choose to become more involved.

When the dust settles, they will be grateful that you have been there for these really difficult six years. They may already be wondering how you have been able to manage for this long.
Helpful Answer (6)

It is for reasons like this that I recommend strongly that the patient decides not to have life-prolonging medical treatment but instead to let go, and they receive support from their families. Better die sooner rather than hang on and see the quality of the life decline so much.

The best gift of love is to let go.
Helpful Answer (13)

I hope the 12 hours a week will become more...Like 30 or 40 hours a week.
that alone will give you a break and allow you to reclaim part of yourself again.

With several of the diagnosis he has he might be eligible for Hospice. If so you would also get help in several times a week with a CNA as well a Nurse that would check him weekly. You would also have the services of a Social Worker, Chaplain as well as other services AND you can request a Volunteer to help you out they can either just sit with him and read, talk, cards and such and or they can help you .
And also because it is me your Husband a Veteran? If so depending on where and when he served he might be eligible for a little help or a LOT of help. Well worth a call to your local Veterans Assistance Commission or the VA to find out. (Oh, some of the regulations have changed and in many instances Spouses can now get paid for caring for the Veteran. Wish that were the case when I was caring for my Husband)
As you get used to having more help you might change your mind.
However....if you don't
consult with an Elder Care Attorney. to protect yourself as well as him. You may need a Special Needs Trust.
And you do know you will get all sorts of nasty remarks from "friends", acquaintances and and people you don't even know about leaving him when he is in failing health.
But you have to do what is right for you. It is your health that must also be taken into consideration.

And last comment...if you can not safely care for him at home placing him in a facility that is appropriate should not be ruled out. That can range from Assisted Living, Memory Care to Skilled Nursing.
And to clarify when I say SAFETY I mean your safety as well as his. If there is a possibility that you will become injured while helping him who cares for you and him while you heal?
Helpful Answer (9)

I have been caring for my husband (married 34 yrs) in an escalating manner (he has brain cancer) for 15 years.  Last fall I had to put him in assisted living-nursing home care was actually ordered by 2 physicians but as he is just 55, I couldn't do it.  You will wreck your me.  At 55 I feel 75 from exhaustion and yes, it has taken a physical toll.  You deserve to have a life and most importantly YOUR health.  You don't have to light yourself on fire to keep others warm.  Save yourself.  You can still 'care for him' by getting him the best place possible, visiting, participating in care plan meetings etc.  Take care of you because it doesn't sound like anyone else is!
Helpful Answer (26)
TouchMatters May 2021
Hal a loo ya.
Thank you for this response.
You are a living saint.
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If I were you I would place him in a long term care facility where they have three shifts of folks who can take care of him appropriately.  Don't ask his children, tell his children that you are 82 yrs old and can no longer physically or mentally be a 24 hour a day caregiver.  Give them the name of the facility where there dad will be going and the visiting hours.

It really is that simple.  I promise you that none of his children are going to jump up and say no wait a minute, I will take dad in and care for him...
Helpful Answer (32)
seekingjoy May 2021
Hi, I can relate to what you are going through. I've been married for almost 25 years. We married when I was mid 30's and he was 42. He started having problems about a year into the marriage and has declined ever since. I was his caregiver. I got to a point with my own health issues that I could no longer be a caregiver for my husband. It was ruining my health and sanity. He is now in long term care and will not be coming home.

My advice to you is get your husband in a long term care facility. It's not an easy decision, but you're fighting for your health and sanity.

I hope this helps.
Helpful Answer (15)

I am sorry that you are in this difficult situation. You need to consider your health. I agree with others that you should place your loved one in assisted living. You can still visit and oversee his care, but maintain your own health.
If your husband is a veteran, reach out to the VA for assistance.
Best wishes.
Helpful Answer (7)

And who are you going to leave him with?

It sounds like he needs to be in a Nursing Home ASAP. Do it for him and yourself!
Helpful Answer (13)

I don't think it is so much an issue of you deciding to leave as it an issue of you deciding that he needs more care than you can give and how best to get him that care. It sounds to me like it is time for your husband to move to some sort of care facility. I think that will accomplish much of what you are hoping for without you having to leave him. Honestly, I am surprised his doctors haven't already suggested this.
Helpful Answer (24)

I have had to do that recently. We were together for 24 years and the last 7 and 1/2 years I was his caregiver and POA. Suddenly my 86 year old Loved One lost the ability to walk (dementia burned out that control in his brain) which helped me make the decision to enroll him in an assisted living facility. His adult daughters thought I should bring him home and get a few hrs. of in-home care. I told them I already had signed up for in-home health care but within that week of signing up the legs "went". I asked if they would take Family Medical Leave to help (we are in a different state than the daughters). The answer was "not at this time." I waited 30 seconds and said to them "I'm done." And a few minutes later they affirmed that I knew best. I'm lucky to have that outcome, but I've worked over the years to not expect too much from the daughters - their dad and I are not married but they consider me his caregiver and realize they just keep in touch occasionally. To your point, I am a fairly healthy 75 year old and have given all I can to my LO. Now the professionals are doing the job. After a month in the AL my loved one is content, clean and looking far better than when he was admitted to the facility. I know I made the right decision, at the right time, for the right reasons. I'm working on some health issues of my own and continue building a life for myself. The time I spend visiting my loved one is pure joy, no more struggles to shower, shave and trim his nails, etc.. He's with others to be entertained by, or not. He's happy, I'm relieved. Fortunately, the daughters are ok with all and I text pictures of him to them every 2 weeks or when the spirit moves me. I'm trying to not be resentful as those negative feelings toward the daughters do not help me or anyone else. I made my decision and stood by it. That's where the strength is, not with the daughters.
Helpful Answer (44)
BaileyP3 May 2021
StandstoReason I admire you that you have made a decision for the well-being of your SO and yourself. It's tough to make these decisions particularly when dealing with extended family, sometimes it feels like you spend years rowing upstream.

I wasn't dealing with a SO rather both parents and the sibs and their offspring didn't visit Dad for the last 18 months of his life nor call frequently. Dad in his final years let my sibs contact him rather than calling them (for a multitude of reasons) primarily because "If I start calling them, I'll never get a call. They'll leave all the calling to me" And he was correct in thinking that way.

Dependent upon whether you want to have much contact with the daughters perhaps you should hold back on sending many pics for a bit and make them come to you. It certainly will give you an indication of how much interest there is in their dad (given that you send pics every couple of weeks I'm making the assumption they don't visit very frequently.)

Good luck to you and rest assured you did the right thing. As I often tell people, putting my parents into LTC was about getting them to safety.
I was in this same situation. Stuck it out for 15 years. Finally, his medical team told me the only way I would get his adult children (who lived in the same town as us) to help was to leave. The one complication I didn't have was marriage. Due to age difference, we didn't tie the knot. Left in 10/20 & spent the winter alone. Miss him greatly but am moving on with my life. His kids did step in after I left. This is a very hard decision!
Helpful Answer (13)

You are standing in a field of landmines. Very dangerous ground.

I, myself, lean heavily on Jesus when navigating such no-win situations. Listening to His promptings leads me through safely, peacefully. Remember, God still loves you no matter what you do. Put your dear husband in His hands.
Helpful Answer (3)
RedVanAnnie May 2021
I am happy for you if your faith brings you comfort, but God and Jesus are not taking over the hands-on care giving that has grown too much for sixyears.
Alva asked some very important questions. And blended families with adult children are fraught with complicated emotions in these types of situations. Therefore I agree that they won't be happy with you leaving. And ditto to before you do anything definitely talk to an estate planner/divorce attorney to sort out the finances as this WILL BE the hot button with his children. When you are ready to tell your side of the story, it may be best to type it out and read it to them. The shorter the better. You don't owe them any explanation, but I think something is better than nothing: that at your age you aren't physically, mentally or emotionally prepared for the onslaught of his health responsibilities and now you're concerned that you yourself will decline to the point of needing someone else's help. So, who would be doing that? (Rhetorical question for his kids). If they've been keeping in contact with you two they can't deny what's been happening to him. Time will need to pass as they process all of it. I wish you all the best as you consider your options.
Helpful Answer (14)

Are there any other options? Might he be placed in LTC? Would you be able to visit him there? Or are you saying that this has not been the man you married for 6 of the 7 years and you must move on?
Make your decision, then see a lawyer to advice about separating finances, legal separation versus divorce, giving up POA if you are guardian or POA.
Is your husband capable of being aware of how he has changed? Have you and he discussed this? In a mentally functional person I would think there would be a discussion. If there has not been, then your first requirement is to let him know the truth. That you have really got limitations you were not aware of when you married and before things changed so suddenly, so quickly. That you will be separating (start there) and that his family and he will have to make the decisions about where he will live and who will care for him.
I think only you can make this decision, and I think you SHOULD make it. If you are his POA then draw his family together and tell them the simple truth. Do not expect they will not be enraged. They will be. You will have to have the strength to move past that. They should take on being his POA and his guardian. They can decide about home care versus in facility care for the remainder of his life.
I can only tell you that THIS is what I would do, myself. I cannot tell you what you should do. Expect the world to condemn you, because of course they will. That's to be expected. Then get on with all the move and separation; that will be quite enough for you to handle. I wish you the best. I am so sorry. I hope you will update us.
Helpful Answer (24)
Sunnydayze May 2021
As always... your wisdom is on point!
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