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Thats part of the disease. There comes a time you don't ask what they want, you just go ahead and do from experience.

She no longer can process or comprehend what is being said. Thats why her answer is so off the wall. In Moms early stage I would only give her two choices. Eventually I just did based on her likes and dislikes.
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My Luz started that in the begining of her aphasia. One of the earliest episodes was she wanted to go to a favorite place but used the wrong name and I drove to the wrong place and we argued until I just started driving to another lace we frequented and I ask her if this was where she wanted to go. She said yes, so we ate there.
Later she would just say "Let's go" and I would go there.
Much of the time if I Ask her a question she would either ignore me to just grin and laugh.
It got worse and nearly all of it was caused by the aphasia. I just learned to live with it and would just talk to her. She eventually quit talking, so I had to guess what she wanted and see if I got a response.
I felt she knew what I was saying but did not know how to answer. But if I was right I would usually get a big grin.
You may have to just put your own answers in for him. Or try asking question that only require a yes or no answer.

Best of luck
The speech therapist tried a home made set of flash card that did not help.
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Dementia means that a LOT of what she says won't make sense to you. It may be repetative. It may make no sense. It may be now-angry, now-funny, and almost always inappropriate. Understanding it is very frustrating I would suggest you read about/google communication with dementia. There are great articles out there. One I read was about a daughter who experienced so much frustration but noted that her husband was able to communicate with her mother so easily with so much less repetitive and annoying stuff; turns out that he was more relaxed and very good at a sense of humor. It helped a lot. I hope you will find what most helps YOU.
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