
She says I have not rights to see or question what she is doing with his money. She says she does not work for me and is not required to tell me anything about his finances. I don't believe this is in the best interest of my father. Is she correct? Isn't there some sort of oversight that should be happening when managing this amount of money?

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I take it he has money invested. Are you questioning how it's invested? How IS it invested? What do you mean by managing? Do you think she should be changing investments frequently, chasing market trends, trying to beat the timing of the market?

I'm 61 and I rebalance one a year, usually on New Year's eve, just for a comparison .
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She has left a substantial (several hundred thousand) in a savings account for almost a year when the written plan was to invest it. Some of this money will not be insured by FDIC. She says I have ZERO rights to know what she is doing with the money. She was late filing taxes last year. She is not following the plan we (as siblings working with a financial planner) designed. I am in charge of his medical decisions and let her know every detail and she is involved in every decision.
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How old is your sister? Do you think she's competent to do the job of poa; do you think she's using the funds for herself?

I would contact the financial advisor, because his advice on how to invest the money may have changed. I think you need to have a non accusatory conversation with your sister pointing out the danger of keeping more than 100,000 in a single account. Does she think the plan unwise, OR Is she unable To execute for some reason?
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She is 46 and she is mentally competent, but financially naive. She lives in debt and does not manage her funds at all. I have had several conversations with her, but she refuses to budge. A few months after she became the POA, I was able to get her to sit down with a financial planner. She agreed to the plan, but did not complete moving all the money. My sister did not tell the financial planner of this stash of money, I found out by accident because the bank statement got delivered to me. There were 2 other stashes of money that she supposedly did move. I have an appointment with the financial planner in a few weeks but her advise has not changed. Nobody in their right mind would keep this amount in an account that is a) uninsured and b) 'earned' 0.01% e.g. lost 2.9%. I have an appointment with the estate lawyer tomorrow. I just don't believe that as the POA she can manage this money thinking there will be no oversight. The money is not hers, it is my Dads. She can't just waste it because she is scared or lazy.
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Why on earth did your father appoint her poa? Is your dad still competent enough to change this?
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You are correct, the money is not hers, it is not yours, it is your dads. Speaking of your dad with AD, where is he? Is he in a NH?

How on earth does a bank accidentally send you a bank statement? Also, who is this financial planner working for? Siblings or Dad? Who hired him?

From my experience, if one has financial POA they do not have to disclose anything to anyone unless court ordered. It's just a nice pleasantry if you do.
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You petition for full Guardian status. Go see an attorney.
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If your sister does not pay taxes on behalf of your father, could she get into trouble, and how would that affect the rest of the family?
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This is a tough question, because it does not seem that your sister is misusing the money. She just hasn't invested it to get the maximum growth potential. It may be that she is uncomfortable with doing this. I think it is totally okay to offer your help in getting it done.

Many people do not go for optimal growth of money when someone is older because increased growth usually comes with increased risk of loss. Often there is also reduced liquidity if the money is needed right away. Is the advice of the financial manager conservative, given the age and health of your father?

It sounds to me like her main problem was in not getting the taxes done. Perhaps she is financially naive and could be making more money. Is your father no longer competent? Her job as POA is to see that his money is to be used reliably for his care. Making more money is not really a priority at this stage of life. What you can do is to work with her to move the money in the way you think best. She can sign off the movement of money if she thinks it is wise. I hope that the family is not too alienated by now.

I was thinking of my mother's finances. I could be making more money with what she has, but she wants to keep things as they are. I know she is losing money to inflation, but she wants to avoid the stock market. I don't really blame her, since it has been mighty volatile lately. So the money stays safe in the bank, where it is getting virtually no interest. I miss the days when banks actually paid interest.
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I think the point is that the poa sister has more than $100,000 in an account.An amamount in excess of that in a single account is not insured by the FDIC.
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That amount is $250K now, Babalou. If you have more than that, of course, you can break it into more accounts. Money in the bank does just sit there, but at least it isn't lost as long as the bank is solid.
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