
Refuses help from me or caregiver, let's son, only, to get him cleaned up. What can I do?
Trying to find the reason.

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Has his medication changed in anyway? Has his started iron pills? Something new in his diet. Drinking coffee makes BMs more frequent and bothers some people. Juices like Apple. I cut both out of my Moms diet. As people age they become Lactose intolerant.
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I agree with Joann. Start with diet and medications and what has changed. Cut the sugars for sure. You could try citrucel with a bit less water than recommended. Do not use metamucil as that causes gas and more explosive stools. This might give a daily BM with good bulk.Worth a try. Get the sugar free.
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Milk and milk products often cause problems. Also fruit juices. Do try something to bulk the BM's up a little.

Bless your son. That takes a lot out of a person, to do that kind of care for a LO. I can clean up a total stranger before I could deal with DH.
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By bulking up would mean bananas and cheese. You can seach internet for other ideas.

My GF just went thru a series of tests to find out why she couldn't keep food down. Everything was negative. Drs explanation was bad bacteria in her stomach/intestines. So she has started a probiotic and eating yogurt. Says she is back to normal. May want to try a probiotic.
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