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Momlover I am begging you to double check on Catholic Charities. No, the service is not free, it is billed to IL Medicaid. IL Medicaid is not paying CC. They won't be able to help you!!!
Next time you visit mom, see if you can actually change a diaper. It will be an illuminating experience.
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It is certainly evident to me what a judge's decision will be. A person who has already been barred from visitation in some form has an extremely long way to go to show that they are psychologically stable and can be trusted with the care of an elderly person. They need organized thinking, the ability to view a situation for the ward's best interest as determined by the state. Their reputation among other family members must be that of a respected person. These become almost absolute barriers to obtaining responsibility through the courts.
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Thank you ML for your apology. Hi Debdaughter, I think between my beloved SO, my internal community and my determination to be someone I'd like as a friend I/we get through. That said good therapy absolutely has it's place. Though unconditional love from fur babies helps too :~)
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LucyCW sorry you had to spill your guts for my comprehension and I will visit my Mom as often as possible and be sure she gets your suggested " ...warmth, security, and medical heIp at the touch of a button." I will "... cherish her by the stroke of a hand, a gentle hug and loving words." My Mom is home😂😂😂 Oh my God my God my Mom is home😂😂😂😂😂
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You will visit Mum yet Mum is home? Whose home?
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Countrymouse I have had no disregard for care plans. Where did you get that idea. Most seriously my mother's leg has been broken under the care of this nursing center and the nurses L & A have dishonest to me in terms of her care. For instance, my sister POA told me the day after Christmas when my family and CNAs refused to help me with transport to and from the car that my mother was fine but my sister POA said the nurses told her that my Mom was unresponsive and on her way to the hospital in an ambulance - my heart dropped and I raced to the private nursing center where I saw my Mom's ambulance. The ambulance personnel told me I could ride up front, but Nurse L who has left bed locks off my mother's bed and interfered when I tried to take my mother on visits, ran down to the ambulance and said she would call the police on me if I didn't get out of the ambulance. Most recently, my Mom said she fell out of the bed and broke her leg at the same time I was denied access to her room and her roommate of two told me her ribs were being checked before my sister took her to the hospital and Nurse L would not tell me anything accept she wasn't there as my sister called me yelling about HIPAA laws because I was texting family Mom's condition. My sister didn't tell nor the private nursing center would tell me my sister took my Mom to be fitted for a cast 1/14/16. I had to text my sister to find out she had my Mom. It is not me breaking rules and trust. It is my sister POA and nursing center nurses L & A.
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Ohjude I will try to visit my Mom everyday but I missed yesterday and I will use LucyCW "protocol."
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Why are you putting blame with the nursing staff and nursing center? The are required to follow the directions of your mother's POA who happens to be yoir sister. You issues should be directed at your sister, not those who are caring for her. Didn't you have a court date yesterday on your petition for guardianship or did I make a mistake on the date?
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Im your mom is now living at your home now? On one post you say you will visit your mom then on the next that your mom is home??
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katiekay et al: To clarify, Momlover will visit her mom and use the words that LucyCW suggested for her "Your ARE home". This is a very positive step forward, a very healing move for ML and her mom.
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Ohjude my Mom is at a private nursing center where the SW makes up rules as he goes along and the administration will not oversee the SW as he has told me I can not see my mother in her room and I can only see her 12-5pm while the nursing center is open 8am-8pm. SW and Nurse L would not allow me to see my Mom at all Sunday saying two (sleep per Nurse L and sick per SW) different lies as I have been visiting my Mom for over a year sleep or sick and after and before hours. I know LucyCW wants me to understand that the private mursing center should be my Mom's home but I don't trust them as they tell me lies Bd disregard me as my Mom's daughter while holding a POA over me head so I can't say, do, or be told anything about my mother.
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Bd should be they - typo.
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Katiekay my Mom has bee at the private nursing center since October 2014 when her residence was condemned. My sister made the decision to put my Mom in a nursing center a year ago when she was standing with 75% assistance.
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We all live in different areas of the country, NH care can be very bad in some areas, Medicaid NH can be even worse than your imagination.
In some families, caring for a parent or children gives your POWER and prestige in the family setting. Many couples fight over custody of children during divorce and this reminds me of children fighting over custody of the Mother.
Who ever is the better daughter wins custody of the parent!
Many of us have experienced situations where siblings differ in their opinions about how to care for, feed, medicate, and where to place a parent.
I worked with a family just a few weeks ago where the siblings wanted to pull the plug on life support for a man who had a motorcycle accident and was in a coma with very little brain function. The Estranged (20 years) wife had decision making power and she refused.
What do you know but they took the vent off and he breathed on his own, woke up, got out of bed. He is now in a Veterans Rehab facility and is walking.
Sometimes people " Momlover" have unrealistic expectations of what it will mean to care for someone who is medically complex.
That doesn't mean that the parent doesn't beg to come home with you, or that the care received in a Nursing Home is not substandard.
My Heart goes out to everyone who has to watch a loved one suffer, feels powerless, and cannot do anything to fix a bad situation.
Family Mediation, Social Workers and as a last resort the courts can help decide what is in the best interest of an individual.
The tough pill to swallow is that once you take a family decision to the courts you are bound by the recommendation that is made.
I hope this is something you can live with and please try not to allow the disagreement over who is is charge of making decisions tear your family apart and cause your Mom stress.
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Can we all agree--ENOUGH ALREADY
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Cathberry could not agree more
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ladylee, who then took the vent off that man?
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This has got to stop! Figure it out already!
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Ladylee1115 thank you for your insight and well-rounded schemata of NH and care.
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Everyone I agree with you. It's not about me. It's about my Mom. If you want me to let you know the outcome let me know . My sister POA did not answer the appellate brief and I am awaiting judges' decisions. I'm so sorry if I am offending anyone. Please forgive me. This is the last post unless someone has anymore questions or advice.
Thanks, ML
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Debdaughter if I'm not out of line it seems the hospital took it off because the estranged wife refused to make a decision. Right?
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Momlover, I really would like to hear more of how this turns out for Mom and for you. I hope you can stay involved with her and her care without so much conflict, even if there are limitation that have to be observed, and that it will be a comfort to her as well as to you.
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momlover, I would like to know as well.

as far as the vent issue, I suppose it's possible, but my understanding is they couldn't have done that without her consent; at least I was given to understand that with my dad, that if I hadn't consented, they couldn't have but they weren't going to continue to keep him there either
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ML, here is what I would like to hear from you:

How did your visit go with your mom today? How about yesterday? How long did you stay each day? What did you do together? What did you talk about?

And I'd like to hear about your visit tomorrow, too. And the next day.

Now that you have decided to go visit your mother at her home, the nursing home, how is that going for you both?

Tell us about each visit. Did you have joys? Were there some issues? How did you handle them? Do you need any advice?
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Debdaughter SW will not let my mother consent. If that's what you are asking.
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Jeannegibbs Friday I visited with my Mom in the multi-purpose room twice as the school where I was assigned was only a mile away. But, today I was told I could not see my my because she was being bathed and pout straight to bed, and I have been prohibited from her room because my Sister POA said I was sending family and friends too much information about my Mom and I was violating the HIPAA laws and she was going yo due me and stop me from seeing my Mom and she did stop me from seeing my Mom as the nursing makes up excuses for not bringing my Mom to the multi-purpose room where I am allowed to see my previous Mom.
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Jeangibbs I stayed only 15 minutes in between lunch break and about an hour after work as I am denied visiting before 12pm and after 5pm by sister POA and SW for no rational reason.
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Jeannine the issue is that my Moms love for food has been snatched totally away from her just about in a blink of an eye. I tried to at least give my Mom OK and I was told that it had to be mixed with nectar first as this is radical treatment IMO as I was just told she only went on purée because she was holding food in her mouth. I'm afraid their trying set s healthy woman with only a history of stroke and mental illness up for hospice . Please calm my suspicion as my zMom is totally denied any table food or juice from me. Her life's pleasure of foods are denied and she is miserable IMO. I will try to see her from 12-5pm tomorrow with my son and they will probably give me some lame excuse . My Mom and I looked at each other for s long time Friday. Evelyn, another patient, said she loves you but she can show it right now. A visiting nurse practitioner said her cast had been taken off Friday and medications were on the way. My Mom went to PT all week but I am told there's not much improvement. I tried to wait to see her but I had to get back to work. I used LucyCW protocol and she liked being comforted by me lightly massaging her hands, legs, and shoulders. Her feet and right leg are still painful after removal of her cast and being fitted for a leg brace.
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Name typo is Jeannine and should be Jeannegibbs.
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OK is OJ for orange juice, typo .
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